Ch 26

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"(y/n), go to sleep."

"But what if I don't want to, Kama?" I asked her not looking up from my phone.

"It's not good for you to stay up, you need your sleep," she floated in the way of my screen, blocking my view.

I sighed and looked from the light in my hand to her eyes, "... But... What if...?" I couldn't bring myself to say it, I was embarrassed, such a silly thing.

Her eyes softened, "you have another dream?"

I looked down, away from her stare. "You know... I've talked before... I don't have dreams anymore..." I glanced up a bit to find her face again.


"You don't have to say it." I clicked my phone off and laid my head back against the pillow. The except was her. To see her laughing face. Hear her last words that I don't know the meaning of.

Why were they meant to be her last? She planned them... It makes no sense.

I felt a tear start to escape the corner of my eye. I turned my head so the pillow soaked it up before it got too far.

"Kama, I think I need some fresh air."


"Kama, fluff my cotton tail."


I hopped around the roof top but felt I needed to go some where. I looked up at the starry night sky and couldn't help but smile. It was starting to get chilly but my suit kept me warm.

I looked up and saw the Eiffel Tower a little ways away and thought, 'that's where I need to go tonight.'

I leapt along till I got there. I was sitting in the middle of the beams, straining my neck to see the stars when I got the brilliant idea to go to the top. I know I'm a genius.

I got up there only to find I wasn't alone. It was dark and unfortunately for me I can't see all that well in the dark.

"Isn't the Tower closed at this time of night?" I asked, making my presence known.

The figure jumped up from their sitting position, and before I could see I pole was to my neck. I gulped, probably not the best way to make an introduction.

They got closer, and I found the person being relatively threatening to me was none other than the great Chat Noir himself.


'oh my gosh (y/n) you're an idiot'

"I could say the same to you, Lapin Roos."

"So are you going to put this down orrr...?"

He blinked a few times, "uh yeah. Sorry."

After he retracted his staff I walked up to him and layed down next to his feet, looking up at the stars. They weren't very bright due to all the lights still on in the city, but they were there. I missed the stars of the country. In all the places I stayed, they were so bright...

He sat down and we stayed like that for a few minutes, quiet, looking at the abyss. He then asked, "what brings you here and not your bed?"

"Can't sleep, you?"

"Same. Any particular reason?"

I hesitated. I can't tell him all of it. Clues am I right? But... "Scared to?"

If he didn't understand he didn't show it. He just stayed quiet.

"What about you?"

"... Too much stuff on my mind."

I nodded. Not knowing what to do with this super hero next to me.

We didn't say much to each other for the better part of an hour, but we understood each other it seemed, nonetheless. I was growing drowsy.

I got up and said goodnight.

"Go to sleep, it'll help. Some times you just have to face it."

"Like wise. Sleep it off. Hopefully it will be clear in the morning, what ever it is."

We waved goodbye and I set off to my house. I plopped on my bed and feel asleep almost immediately.

And I only saw her smile and a pair of cat eyes in the stars.

Black Leather and White Fur (Chat Noir X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now