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A/n: I though I would have a bit of fun and try to see how many writing prompts from Pinterest I could mash into one chapter. Enjoy!

Awkwardness has always been my strongest trait. It probably always will be. Me being shy, however, has never been in my itinerary.

Nevertheless, Adrien has somehow managed to yank this weak, feeble little creature out of my body and stick it in my messed up awkward place.

At least it isn't just me, he is doing the exact same thing. We haven't touched each other since that night, blushing before speaking a word.

Hopefully today will be different. Probably not... But I can hope.

We all were planning on gathering together at Nino's house this afternoon. For Cinco de Mayo.

Why we were celebrating Cinco de Mayo in France is beyond me, but they all thought the holiday sounded fun after I told them about it from my time staying in the great USA. I mean, I don't blame them. Tacos for life.

I was the first to arrive, as usual. I walked in to see a whole bunch of decorations that I'm not sure went together, but it's fine.

"Is it just us here?" I asked Nino to confirm my suspicion.

"You, me, and this slightly over ripe avocado," he replied as he sliced open said avocado.

I gave a light chuckle as I set down my bag of tortilla chips. I set to work mixing up some salsa, and other odds and ends. We heard the door open and close without so much of a knock.

"Well, this screams 'recipe for disaster'" Alya's voice came from the entry way. She walked in with a pinata under her arm, pointing at me, "did you help?"

"I was supervising, not participating," I said with a teasing smile.

Soon everyone else filed into the house, all bringing little tidbits to add to the snack table. After a while I heard someone say, "This takes finesse and focus, neither of which you have."

I turned the corner to see Alex snatch the pinata from Kim along with the candy he was sticking into it from the top. She proceeded to continue the job with much more efficiency than he did.

I smiled at all the commotion around me as we all got together to celebrate a holiday that had nothing to do with us. Well, the USA didn't have anything to do with it either, but who doesn't love some chips and salsa?

Nobody really knew how we were going to really celebrate the holiday, so we ended up getting into a 'friendly' tournament of Mario Kart... While we were all in paper sombreros... Screaming at each other. We all agreed that nobody won.

For the grand finale we strode outside to a grassy area with a tree. We had a baseball bat, bandana, rope, and of course, the pinata, in all it's paper mache glory.

We proceeded to set up the activity in a tree, then asked for volunteers. A great cry was voiced from multiple people in the company. Mainly from Kim, Alex, and Rose.

I couldn't help but laugh at their enthusiasm, "I'm fully convinced none of you graduated kindergarten."

We all got into an order where everyone had two swings before they went to the next person. We went through a couple of times before we made any progress. Finally, Juleka managed to knock a few candies down.

The rest went down hill from there. After the whole pinata was  demolished on the grass there was pretty much a brawl to get the candy.

It was more of a play fight then anything, with everyone getting an equal amount. The real fight began when I spotted my favorite candy lying on the grass.

I glanced up to see Kim eyeing the same candy. We locked eyes, and we both knew what was about to go down. Each to their own, we stood straight, as if acknowledging our opponent.

Circling the candy slowly, no one dared get between us. It was as if we were in a noble competition, battling for honor. That air went out the window as one of us dived for it. It was too fast to remember who made the first move.

All I know is that Kim grabbed hold of it with his long arms and the push off of his legs. I was a moment behind him, snatching his arm and pulling it under me. I blocked off the rest of his body from fighting back with my own as I pried the precious treasure from his clasped hand.

I had practice for this position with my sister. We can safely say that she rarely kept the object she was holding. I succeeded again at my task and obtained the small piece of glory.

I hopped up as quick as I could and dashed over to the group of friends, hitting a 'home base' of sorts as I cowered behind Adrien's large frame. Kim looked shameful as he stood up and nodded in my direction, accepting defeat.

I noticed Adrien's arms drop from their protective position from my sides. It caused a small smile to creep up my face as I kept my face to his back.

He turned around with a twinkle in his eye, it seemed like amusement.

"Well, that was something," he stated with a raised eyebrow, a smile gracing his own face.

"Something cool" I shot back, proud of my work.

"What happened?"

We turned to see Nino looking confused, he must not have seen the showdown.

Alya was quick to reply, "there was a scuffle."

"Ah..." He still didn't look like he understood, but went along with it anyways.

We looked at the mess of the tissue paper and hardened newspaper, wondering what to do with it now. We glanced around at each other until Marinette pulled out a garbage sack.

"I am the backbone of this household." She then started to throw away all the debris.

After the clean up we headed back to the house. Me myself was dragging my feet, more exhausted then I would like to admit.

"You are more zombie than Human."

I turned to see Adrien come up to me, a sympathetic look on his face.

"I haven't showered in four days."

"Really? I mean, like I said more zombie than Human."

I scrunched up my face, "no."

We shared a laugh, before his voice became soft and shy, "you have something in your hair... Um- do you want me to get it out?"

"Oh, um- yeah, that'll be great..." I stood there awkwardly as he stepped closer and gently picked out little grass pieces that he showed me afterwards.

We walked back inside side by side.

I spoke loudly so everyone could hear, "this might sound controversial, but I think that went well."

I looked around till my eyes feel on Nino who want paying attention, "right Nino?"

He perked up, "I don't know what the question was, but without a doubt my answer is 'I don't know'"

Alya just sighed at his response, I heard a quiet, "this really scrambles my eggs."

I couldn't help but laugh, and then the rest all joined in.

It was a good day.

A/n: I was really proud of myself for updating regularly again, but that streak is over for now.

To much stuff has piled up this spring, including finals, so updates will be irregular.

Thanks for the support!

Love you! Have a fantastic day!

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