Ch 52

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For some it started with a handshake, others a blind date, for a select few they were childhood friends. Ours led to friendship, then a kiss, soon we were holding hands (which seems a bit backwards if you ask me, but alas, 'tis the truth), now here we were sitting on my couch at home, Adrien against the arm rest and me snuggled into his side.

Across the living sat quite a few of our friends, Nathaniel next to Rose, Juleka was busy helping her mother and brother. Alya sat in the middle of a couch with Nino's head on her lap, his legs thrown over the arm rest. Marinette sat in the remaining spot, Trenton on the floor in front of her, head between her knees, and her hands through his hair. He still makes me a little uncomfortable to be around, I mean he is awkwardly my ex, but our relationship isn't as icy I guess.

There we sat, in my living room, chatting together as if it was a common occurrence. Well, I take that back, it was an occurrence that was becoming more common every time we did it. As I took in my surroundings I found there was no where else in the world I would rather be, it was so relaxing, so... well, so normal. It was extremely nice to have something like that to hold on to,  but I couldn't help but feel that it wasn't going to stay that way. That I had to enjoy it while it lasts...

I was broken out of my thoughts by Nino's voice, "Hey, is that a Wii you have there?"

I looked up to see that he was pointing at our Wii console, "Uh, yeah, it is."

"What game do you have in it right now?"

"Wii sports I think"

Nino sat up off of Alya's lap, "we should get it out and play." He glanced around the room, "Who else wants to?"

There were collective nods of agreement and so I released myself from the warm embrace of my boyfriend, oh wow, that sounds nice in my head, to go set it up. I calculated that we had eight players, so for a four player game we could go twice, or we could be on teams. Oh how many fantastic options we have! I pulled out the remotes and set the TV to the Wii setting. I subconsciously hummed along to the startup music, make a few of the group chuckle at me.

We started with a classic game of bowling, it always seems to be a favourite.  

I myself have never been truly great at it, mediocre at best. I can't remember who ended up winning, but i know it wasn't me. And that's good enough. Before long, someone inquired about a different game, boxing.

This is a contest I can get behind. 

As I was pulling it up and setting up the matches, Alya commented, "Hey Marinette, (y/n), remember the promise we made the last time we played this?"

It took a moment, but eventually the conversation came again to mind, "yeah, I do."

"So do I."

There was a beat or two of silence before I asked, "It still rings true, right?"

"Of course"


The first pair stood up and prepared to win, of course, Adrien and Nino volunteered first. I ended up getting too worked up into the match that I had to walk out of the room when the decision was made, it was too close of a match. I walked back in to see Nino cheering victoriously and Adrien smiling contently. I strolled over to him and wrapped him in a hug; his arms, in turn, wrapped around my own shoulders. 

"Its different on the Wii," I whispered to him, hoping he wasn't too disappointed. I knew he wasn't like that, but it didn't hurt.

"I know, its fine anyway."

Match after match we went, it turned into a tournament of sorts, champion of the girls goes against champion of the boys. 

It wasn't much of a surprise that Alya and Rose didn't go very far, neither did Nathaniel. The real challenge was Marinette, and then I wasn't quite sure which one of the boys was going to be victorious. Just like the last time we played, the match came to a decision, and what do you know! I ended up winning!

The match ups for the boys were truly interesting, after luck of fate, Adrien and Nino first, with Trenton going up against the winner. I secretly hoped Adrien would whoop both of their butts, and then I could whoop his. My wish was not granted however, Nino ended up winning similarly to the first match. As I watched, however, I thought I could see that Adrien was holding back a bit. That dirty little rascal, he was letting Nino win!

Oh well, I can deal with it I guess. In the mean time I can beat whoever wins this next fight. I watched with little interest as the fight commenced, I zoned out, thinking of, well, nothing really. Before I knew it there was cheering around me and I actually looked to see who my opponent was. To my surprise it was Trenton. I didn't expect him not to win, but I didn't expect him to win either. Its hard to explain, lets just say I didn't know who to expect.

I didn't watch how he fought either, I better expect to lose. Hope for the best but expect the worst...

"Ready to lose Trent?" I chuckled at him, giving him a taunting and toothy grin.

He gave a skeptical  raise of one of his eyebrows, but equally teasing, "I wouldn't count on it, and please, show some respect, use my full name."


I quickly dodged to the side right as the boy next to my threw a punch. He planned on doing major damage, so his miss sent him off balance. I landed two solid hits before he recovered enough to block. I miss placed one of my own and he got a hit in, knocking some wedges from my energy/life circle. The fight went on like this for some time before eventually I knocked him down a third time. I was running low on life and I knew that if he didn't stay down, I was going down in a punch or two, most likely for good. 

I watched earnestly as Trenton shook the remotes in his hands, the count steadily going up as no movement came from the screen. I was hopping in excitement as it came closer to the KO.


So close. Victory is so. Darn. Close.


I cheered! No one was coming back from that.


"Yes!! Ha! I won!"

He shook his head and leaned a little closer, "sure ya did, congrats. Good game." It sounded sincere, and he added a smile, but something rose within me. Anger, I don't know about what, maybe everything, tears came to my eyes in an instant. Frustration that even when I beat him in something, I still wasn't good enough. I have no idea where it came from, I should be happy, I'm the best of the group in boxing, something really!

I took off my controllers and set them gently on the cabinet in front of the TV. 


You Know what I did?

I turned around to see the slightest smirk on Trenton's pretty little lips.

I took a step closer, and with a loose fist,

I punched him in the face. 


Hey guys! Just a little closure that no one asked for. 

Soooooooo sorry that I haven't updated, besides having writer's block for a couple weeks, I lost my phone at an amusement park, had it mailed back to me. Then found it was responsive but had a black screen, and no one can fix it (so says the one repair dude my dad trusts). So I am awaiting a new one on the way. 

In the mean time I'm using the family computer, which can I say, I am not used to. I miss the mobile version of all my apps.

Any way, Thanks for the support! Love you guys! Have a fantastic day!


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