Ch 29

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"Are you glad to go back to school?"

"No Kama."

"Why not?" She asked, but she didn't sound confused.

I gave her a dull 'really?' look, "Cuz it's Monday and I was sick over the week end. Sorry for being irritable."

"You can ask about the dance."



I whined, "cuz I don't waaannntt tooo!"

"Ok! Ok! Just go to school."

"You're coming with me"


"(Y/n)! Are you feeling better?" The girls of the class asked me as I stepped through the door.

"Sure, better than previous days" I answered, sort of mumbling. I was still a bit groggy and was having a hard time keeping my eyes open. I wasn't coughing as much and the symptoms of the cold were gone, but the exhaustion was eating at me.

"Luckily it didn't cause you to miss school," Mylen pointed out.

"Mmmhhhm," as much as I was tired I hated missed work even more.

The bell rang and we sat down at our desks.

I almost fell asleep in all of my classes, but I didn't. We didn't do much in class, mostly review, so I was fine.

I left class at the end of the day and started to head over to the park. Before I got two steps out the door Adrien called to me, "(y/n)! Wait up!"

He grabbed his bag and jogged up to me. I waited for him to catch up before walking again.

"You really get out fast."

I just gave out a short laugh, "yeah, I guess I do."

"You know, I'm kind of jealous."

I looked at him in shock, "why? Of who?" How can THE Adrien Agreste be jealous of anyone?

"Of you. You have traveled to America and other places. That would be so cool." He had a dreamy look in his eyes, like he was imagining the awesomeness of it.

We reached the road and his car by the end of our short conversation. I looked up at him since he's at LEAST half a head taller than me. "Well I could tell you about it sometime, if you want."

"That would be amazing, see you!"

"See ya!"

I turned to continue to the park and I caught Marinette and Alya looking at Adrien's car. Alya had her usual smile, but Marinette wasn't as... Captured in his presence as usual. She still had a little blush on her cheeks, but she wasn't beet red and drooling.

That's better.

I headed to the tree even though I didn't have much homework. I met Trenton there at the same time. We sat down next to each other, me scooching over closer to him. I think he stiffened, but if he did he relaxed before I could fully register it.

We worked on his homework, as I didn't have any. He was loaded, so it was good that I wasn't distracting him with me own. We got it done at about the same time we usually do.

He paused before standing up, giving me a small peck on the temple.

'He must be being careful not to get sick'

We parted ways and I went home to take a nap.

I flopped on my bed when I got there. Kama had a puzzled, slightly dark expression.


She dropped it immediately, "You what?"


I paced the room, layed on the bed. Anything, but I could not fall asleep. I finally decided to call and talk to someone to maybe get me to fall asleep.

I pulled up my contacts, jumping on the bed. I accidentally hit someone's number. Not knowing who it was, but thinking this person was as good as any, I didn't hang up and decided to talk to them.


I immediately recognized the smooth voice on the other end of the line.

"Hey Adrien"

"What's up?"

"Sorry if you're busy, I know you have a full schedule. I was wondering if you had a while to talk to me."


"I can't fall asleep, so I thought if I talked to someone it would help."

"Oh yeah sure!"

It was awkward at first, but once we got talking it was fun and there wasn't ten seconds of silence. After about thirty minutes I felt my eyes droop.

Not even five minutes later I was falling asleep to the point where I wasn't answering back.

Right before my eyes closed for good, I could've sworn I heard a quiet, "Good night (y/n). You're fa..."

A/n : I want to say thanks to all my fabulous cotton tails for helping me reach one thousand reads!!

Never thought I'd get there.

Thank you!

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