Ch 41

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A/n: *same warning still applies*

I watched as Adrien walked to his closet and grabbed a belt for me. He seemed in a daze as he handed it over. He walked out of the bathroom and turned on his large TV.

Marinette followed him far enough to close the door behind him. She turned back to me looking quite pale, and she had a grim look on her face.

This is a lot to ask of someone. I heard (f/action/thriller show) being played in the next room.

A/n: mine would be Supernatural, Bourne, M.I. or MCU. What's your guy's favs?

Mari helped me take my shirt all the way off as it hurt to stretch too much. She tossed it out of the way and I heard it go splat. I sat there with only my pants and bra on as I examined my side.

The smell of alcohol filled my nostrils as the rubbing alcohol was open next to me. Mari wetted a cloth with it; I took that as my cue to fold the belt in two and stick it in my mouth.

Before she started she gave me a sympathetic look. She gently started from the outside and slowly worked her way closer to the center.

I heard the squeak from the belt as my teeth sunk into the leather. I fought for that to be the only reaction, but a cry clawed it's way out of my throat.

The next ones came easy.
Adrien's POV

I sat next to the door my head leaned against the wall. I had an eye on the TV and the door out of my room, but the rest of me was focusing on the yelps and cries coming from behind me.

I kept clenching and unclenching my fist as I struggled not to burst in and hold her hand. Anything to get that sound to stop.

The kwamis were floating around me, all of them have worried faces on.

Kama suddenly couldn't take it anymore and phased through the door. Tikki and Plagg stayed next to me. I could tell Plagg was worried because he wasn't begging for food when he didn't have it.

Another muffled scream sounded from behind the door. I turned to the floating forms before me, "can you check on her? Keep me posted?" I was desperate.

Tikki quickly went inside, but Plagg stayed for half a second and gave me a sincere look before following her.

I took a deep breath and laid my head on my knees, I have a feeling it might be a long night.

Your POV

Marinette was just finishing up when the kwamis came in to check on me. Kama pretty much hugged my face and just stayed there; I felt her tears against my cheek making me giggle a bit.

Tikki floated over to Mari, helping her examine it while occasionally glancing up to me.

Plagg came in after the girls and looked really solemn. He hovered in front of me before asking, "is it going okay?" After I weakly nodded he continued, "the kid's worried about you."

I subconsciously turned toward the door and removed the belt from my mouth to say, "tell him I'll be alright." A thought popped into my head making me chuckle, "I'd say I've been through worse, but that's not exactly true."

"Well I sure hope not!"

I finally looked at my cleaned wound to find it looked a lot better than before. Luckily Mari and Tikki couldn't find any pellets that stuck in my skin, meaning they didn't have to cut it any more. There were some spots that did need some extra help than just a bandage though.

"We could use super glue," I suggested, "or floss to do stitches."

Marinette looked at me confused.

Mumbling I clarified, "it works for Sam and Dean..."

We opted for super glue, to refrain from exacerbating my side.

With my larger tears sealed and the bandage around my side being secured, we came upon another issue: my shirt was soaked in blood.

When the concern was voiced we sat there for a moment in silence struggling for a solution.

Without a word, however, Marinette seemed to find a solution as she slipped out the door. I sat there awkwardly with the two female kwamis floating around me with concern. Plagg had left after my statement before and stayed with Adrien.

Mari came back in with a plastic grocery sack in her hand. She tossed something at my face that I failed to grasp before it made contact.



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*...except with a cloth...*

I opened it up to find it was one of Adrien's striped dark shirt. I didn't think about it too much as I was eager to cover my torso. I slipped it on and observed it hang loosely on my body.

The water in the sink turned on and Marinette rinsed the blood out of my shirt. After she was satisfied she wrung it out and dropped it into the grocery sack. She opened the door and grabbed some paper towels the Adrien had in his room, she began to clean the floor and left the door open.

I tried to kneel down and help her, she's already done so much, but Adrien sat me right back down and finished up for her.

Adrien helped me up with extreme gentleness and guided me to his couch. I took a hair tie from around my wrist and tied the corner of his shirt up to help hug my figure a bit more comfortably. Only then, I think, did he realize what I was wearing, for he turned his head away quickly.

We all sat down in silence, Adrien still extremely close, not that I minded. His warmth was comforting.

I was the first to speak the question that I assumed was in every one's mind. "So, what now?"

A/n: hey guys! How're you all? Quick note, this month is like an anniversary for... Everything. My birth, me being on Wattpad, and

Of course this book!

Thanks so much for the support!

I would really appreciate if you would give this chapter a vote and a comment!

I love y'all!💚🖤


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