Ch 37

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A/n: not to spoil anything, but you guys should be excited and scared all at the same time for the next couple chapters.


Marinette's POV

I put the remaining magic macaroons in a box while I walked around getting ready for school.

"Oh where's my jacket?" I searched, the box still in my hand. I know it's around here somewhere.

"I'll help look," Tikki said as she zipped around the room. She paused for a second.

"Didn't you leave it on your balcony?" She turned to face me, tilting her head slightly.

I smacked my forehead, "Of course! I took it off cuz it was warm yesterday afternoon!" I ran up the stairs, if I don't leave soon I'll be late for school. Again.

As I reached the top I saw my jacket on a chair. I speedily walked over but tripped on the leg of my other chair.

The box went flying over my balcony as I released it to catch myself. I watched in horror as it for over my railing and into the street below.

I grabbed my jacket after I got up and sprinted to the edge. There they were, spread across the street in a ruined rainbow.

In have to get those later today I guess...

Please be no akuma today, please be no akuma today...

Or at least just a normal one. At the very least...

I sprinted out the door for school.

[One awkward school day and akuma fight later]

"Bye bye little butterfly!" I released the cleansed akuma and watched it fly away.

"Yeah you better fly away!"

I turned around to see Lapin Roos bouncing while looking really into scolding the little insect.

Chat was stiffling a laugh behind her as she she started to laugh uncontrollably herself.

"Sorry. I had a bit of caffeine before I came." She widens her eyes as she tries to stop laughing.

"Looks like you're popping at the seams." Chat couldn't contain himself after he said that.

Lapin couldn't either.

She calmed down enough to say, "what do you call... The study... Of seltzer... And soft drinks?"

"What?" Me and Chat ask at the same time, mine slightly more composed.


Even I cracked up at that one...

It took a while to calm down, with all of our Miraculouses beeping.

"Man I wish we could do this out of costume..." Lapin expressed sadly.

Chat nudged her gently, "maybe we'll convince her one of these days..."

"Till then, see ya next time M'lady" he nodded at me, "Roosy." Then nodded at her. He extended his baton off into the city.

Lapin smiled at me, "see you next time Bug." I watched as she ran down a quiet street.

I sighed to myself, "maybe one day." I swung across the city closer to where Master Fu lives so I could pick up those potions.

Walking in I saw him meditating in the room where he keeps the other Miraculouses.

"Hey Master Fu."

"Hello, Marinette. What brings you here today?"

" I need more potions for Tikki," I looked down and shuffled my feet, "I dropped my other ones..."

He smiled kindly, "that's okay. I have some spare ones in here," he opened a cupboard and pulled out a box of multi colored macaroons.

" Well how did it go today? I saw you called Lapin Roos to help."

I laughed lightly, "yeah, she makes it a lot easier. She's a lot of fun. We didn't hit much trouble. Chat is still asking to know our identities, and he's converted Lapin to his side..." I sighed again, "what am I going to do with those two?"

Master Fu surprised me, "well, what's stopping you?"

I paused. "What?"

"Well, don't you trust them?"

"With my life"

"Interesting, since it doesn't seem like you do."

That made me think. Do I really trust them? Cuz I haven't trusted them with my civilian life, yet I put my life in their hands almost every day.

"I do"

"Then they are waiting for you. When ever you feel comfortable. Have a nice day Marinette." And with that he left me on my own in the room.

"What are you going to do Marinette?" Tikki just barely came out of my bag.

"I think I'm gonna make a call, Tikki."

Later that night when it was more likely that Chat and maybe Lapin was patrolling I went to a secluded rooftop.

I dialed his baton and Lapin's boomerang.

Miraculously they both picked up.

"Hey guys."

"Hey what's up?" Chat asked.

"Every thing cool?" Lapin questioned.

"Yeah, yeah." I put my head in my free hand, I couldn't believe I was doing this, "just you know that one day you were talking about earlier?"


"Well, I think today's that day..."

And I'll leave it there... Let you guys brood and... Ferment if you will.

Like I said, you guys should be excited and scared all at the same time.

Love y'all, have a great day.

~ FablesRose

We have a 2319!

🧦(Pretend it's white)


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