Ch 23

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A/n: this is a continuation of last chapter just so this makes sense. With the two chapters as one it was way too long. Sorry, or you're welcome.

I was closer to normal today than I have been for a while. I had skipped out on a couple of homework sessions with Trenton when I wasn't feeling too hot. I needed to catch up, so I headed towards the park.

I must have walked slowly today because he beat me there.

"(Y/n)! Thank you for coming. Today I am having a bit of trouble..." He seemed excited to see me.

"No problem. Let's get to work," I replied lightly hugging him as I sat down.

He was really struggling today, and he helped me catch up with homework. I felt so relieved when I got everything done.

"Well it looks like we are all done!" I remark while putting away my books.

"I don't know..." Trenton rebuked looking at me with a daydream-like stare or something.

"What else do you have to do?"


I felt my face heat up like a pizza furnace. I was no where near prepared for that answer.

You are an adorable dork why did you say that?!?

He must have seen my ladybug red face and realized what he said because he started to blush and stutter, "Um! I didn't- I mean! Uh..."

I started laughing to release tension. I didn't know where that comment came from but I hoped it didn't embarrass him to bad. I wasn't going to let that get between us even if it was a bit inappropriate.

I mean I like him alot! But.... No.

He laughed along with me and after we calmed down we just sat looking at the park and Paris around us.

We sat there for quite a while before Trenton turned to me again, "(y/n)?"


"Can- ..." He paused, "can I kiss you?"

I just stared at him.

What do I say!? No is not an option. I want to. Yes seems too desperate or something. Sure is too casual... WHAT DO I DO?

"yeah..." I whispered, nervous as H. E. double hockey sticks.

He leaned in, closing his eyes. I did the same as his lips touched the corner of mine. He kissed me softly like he wasn't sure I had said yes. It was awkward at first, I mean, this is my first kiss! I don't know about him, but I am out of normal now.

I tried to center our mouths a bit more and leaned in. To do that I was leaning on my hand that was placed between us on the ground. It was awkward and it kind of hurt, but I didn't notice in the moment.

Trenton must have noticed my strange position somehow as he slid his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to our already close bodies.

After a moment we broke apart. I didn't know what to say, I mean I just shared my first kiss with a cute guy. Man, I'm really out of my comfort-zone right now.

I stuttered something that I don't even know what I was trying to say and I looked away blushing a bit.

"You taste like vanilla," he said.

Why? I have no idea, but I started to pack up my bag some more. My favorite chapstick I use is vanilla flavored. I suddenly felt his breath near my ear.

He whispered in my ear, "I like it."

I felt my face heat up again.

Are you an adorable dork or a seductive bastard?!? AHHH

I leaned back to the tree after I finished packing up my supplies. He put his arm next to my head on the tree and leaned in closer to me.

He didn't ask permission this time but he did leave an escape route for me if I didn't want to, which I appreciated.

He didn't seem as hesitant this time and it wasn't as awkward for me. Once he knew I wasn't going to pull away he pressed in even closer and slid his other hand around to to the back of my neck.

I don't know how long we would have been there, but we stopped what I think was a bit short due to the sound of yelling a bit of a ways away.

I opened my eyes to see disappointment in his. He shifted to open up for me, and he looked over to see what the yelling was about.

We both saw beams of color shooting around the corner that a herd of people were running from.

"I don't necessarily want to find out what those do," I said indifferently, grabbing my bag.

Trenton was already on his feet and taking my hand. He pulled me off the ground and took off towards my house. He has dropped me off at my house from dates so he knew the way. He dropped me off on my door step but paused before leaving.

I looked at him a bit confused and started to say 'what?' but before I could say anything he gave me a quick peck on the tip my nose and then ran off to his own home.

I ran up the stairs so excited and was about to burst through the door right next to mine when I stopped. I slowly opened the door and sat on her bed. I grabbed her giant Australian pig and walked to my own room. I sat on my own bed and turned on Alya's live feed on her blog.

She must have dropped her phone because the video wasn't moving and all I could really see was the sky with an occasional red or black figure race across the screen.

I was about to turn it off because I knew they wouldn't need me when I heard a "Lapin Roos!"

I looked at the screen not believing what I heard, but sure enough, "we need some help!" Came from the speakers.

"Ok Kama! Fluff my cotton tail!"

A/n: hey that was a long chapter... Don't get used to it. I am starting school this week so I might start slowing down. Don't worry I'm sticking with it though. Comment some scenarios that (you) would want to be in and I might write them in... Filler chapters?

I don't know, but please help an author-Chan out here. Be patient and thank you so much for the support.

(I sound like I'm talking to thousands *look at not even 700 reads* 😂😋😬😳💀)

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