Ch 5

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I look down and my suit had changed. My previously short sleeves had become long sleeves that encompass my hands also. My vest used to have a summer coat of fur, while now it's fuller, fluffier. I felt something around my eyes and found a mask. I didn't have a mask when I transformed in Australia. I didn't go for a superhero either. I mostly used my miraculous to help the animals in the reserve and do the more impossible chores. Every one knew who I was and it wasn't a big deal, just helpful powers. I did feel the usual little jitteryness like I was meant to bounce off the walls though. ;P

Here is what you look like. Rough sketch. Skip this one and look at the one below. It's my friend's. Her's is cool.
If you don't have long hair than it is just neatified....

If you don't have long hair than it is just neatified

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My friend drew it too. Her's is better.

 Her's is better

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"Ok, up I go." I leaped up to the roof looking for where I should go. 'Trenton .... I should see if he got home alright.' I looked around looking for the boy. I barely caught sight of him after a while going into a building. I don't know if it was his house, but in a building is better than out here. Another yell yanked me to reality. A pigtails bluenette in a red-spotted suit and a black dressed blond were on a roof in the general direction of the yell. 'That must be Ladybug and Chat Noir' I hopped over, hoping to introduce myself. 'Crap, we're superheroes. What do I call myself?? They just called me by my name or... Roos, I can work with that.' I hopped over and we were all staring at this very colorful person also on a roof. It was kind of awkward because they hadn't seen me yet, "sooooooo what's up with them?" When Ladybug realized that it wasn't Chat Noir who had spoken she turned around, "wah!! Who are you? You're not supposed to be up here!!" I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't that. "Sorry-Sorry !! I'm ... A ... I'm Lapin Roos..." I was wrapped up in a yo-yo string with Ladybug looking accusingly at me, "Are you an akuma?? I don't want another Volpina....!" I was thouroghly scared now, "who- who is Volpina?..." She relaxed enough to let me go but I don't think I was off the hook yet. She thought for a moment, "I'll tell you what, if you stay here and don't move for the whole battle, unless we call for you, than I might just trust you." Chat Noir now turned around, "Isn't that a bit harsh M'Lady? She could help out." I wanted to earn their trust, "if that's what it will take then I'll do."

And so I did just that. Sat there... For the whole thing. They do have fantastic team work, though. I probably would have killed their vibe and made defeating this villian alot harder honestly. I found out what an akuma actually was, too. After the battle they came up to me and Ladybug spoke, "well it looks like you did what I asked," she looked at her beeping eating, "I don't think we will need you help for these, but keep your eyes on the news or other sources when a villian comes and we might just need the extra hands." She swung off as her earings kept beeping alerting her of the eminent detransformation. Chat had a little more time and he asked, "what's your power anyway?" "Rabbit hole portal thingy" He dashed off calling "Cool, see you around!" Behind him.

Black Leather and White Fur (Chat Noir X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now