Ch 15

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*Knock knock*

"What?" I replied to my bedroom door. It was closed and I was playing my music that consisted of Aerosmith, Ozzy Osbourne, B52s and others of the same sort. Van Halen was playing at the moment and I was rocking out.

Tiffany A/n: I realized I didn't put your sister's name in the previous chapter... so there you go. poked her head through the door, "what's with the music?" She looked serious, but I sure hoped she wasn't.

"What about it?"

"Well it isn't my favourite..."

"So?!? Sorry I don't have any EDM." I wasn't really sorry at all, "Deal with it."

She just looked at me.

"What do you expect me to do?? I want to listen to my music. Go watch your anime or something..."

She soon left me to my music. I kind of feel bad; well, not really, but I don't want her upset... But I'm lazy... But family... But music... But OHANA! ... Fine.

I got up and walked to her door and opened it to see her doing what I told her to do. She was on her laptop watching something, probably YouTube, Netflix, or an anime something. She had headphones on and was in the dark with pj pants. I walked up to get and laid on her lap, blocking the screen.


"Get off"

"Do you want to go do something?"


"I don't know." I looked at her, "what do you want to do?"


"Sure, why not?" I paused for a moment, "for what though? You can make your own treats."

She had to think for a moment too, "I don't know really... I just like going to bakeries."

We got up and prepared to go into the great wide somewhere. We were heading out the door when I told Tiffany a place I knew.

"I have a friend who's parents own a bakery."

"Cool let's go there!" She started to jog off, but she slowed down once she realized that I wasn't keeping up with her. It not like I was trying; I was still walking at my nice pace. Plus she needed me to show her the way.

I've gone to Marinette's place a few times to pick up things from macaroons to cream puffs... Mmmm.. Cream puffs... So.. I knew the way well enough.

*Ring ding ding*

"Hello, welcom- hey (y/n). How are you?" Marinette was working the front today and she welcomed us in to the bakery.

"I'm good."

"That's good, what are ya doing today? Who's this?" She asked referring to Tif.

I swung my arm around Tiffany's shoulders, "well this is Tiffany, my lil' sis, and she wanted to go to a bakery today. SO, I thought I would show her the best bakery in fifteen blocks."

"Oh stop it (y/n)," Marinette replied teasingly, "come on I want to meet this sister of yours."

We ended up taking and it was fun and finally we started to head home again.

I looked at Tif while walking on the sidewalk, "so..."

"So what?"

"Who had the better cupcakes?"


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