Ch 47

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You know, I really didn't know what it was.

Anyone would probably understand if I was jealous, but that wasn't quite it. Yeah I was, don't get me wrong, but I've handled jealous before.

Maybe insecurities, maybe it was just the last emotional straw.

I felt tears threatening me as I expertly wove in-between the crowd, gaining distance from the clamp that always follows.

What were they doing? Nobody probably noticed me leave except Adrien. He probably wasn't even coming after me. He'll make friends with the newbie, not understanding the back stab that he is.

You don't mean that. I?

Maybe they are worried about me. Did Trenton see me? Are they going to continue without me? Their going to wait and at least call me.

No they won't.

... Yeah, no use in hoping.

I wandered the shops, still on the mission of finding something for the birthday girl. I found my way to a clothing shop with some headbands that would look cute on her. One was a purple that decorated the room right next to mine.

I skipped past it and grabbed two other colors, green and blue. I willed myself to not think about it too much as I payed and left the store.

Glancing at my phone for the time I noticed that I had no messages, no missed calls.

My heart sank as I realized I was right. I continued to wander hoping to keep my mind off of... Everything.

I found my way to a cupcake shop that did the exact opposite. I went in and bought one before I drifted to an isolated corner in the food court of sorts. I mournfully ate my cupcake that reminded me of her.

Tiffany, goodness I haven't came across her name in so long.

I tried and tried to put a lock on all of these emotions, but I guess it wasn't heavy duty enough as it rusted with the tears that have gone unshed.

I finished and couldn't bring myself to go home yet. I mindlessly walked in and out of stores till I found my self in (f/store). I smiled a little as I roamed the merchandise, reminded of pleasant memories of coming here.

The pleasant feelings were a welcomed change to the foreboding doom that's been brooding inside me since what seems to be forever.

No, not forever, only a little while. The lift in spirit helped remind me that nothing is permanent, it'll pass. Though maybe not as fast as I want it to.

I was untimely reminded of what I want to pass as some people walking by laughed really loudly, pulling me from my train of thought. Watching them walk by caused my heart to become heavy again.

You idiot, you left. You're being so shallow and rude, not supporting your friend and her boyfriend. It doesn't matter if it's your ex!

You put this on yourself.

I sighed, I was right, yet again. I watched as other teenagers, thankfully none I knew by name, walked by. Some were laughing, some holding hands, one group was comforting a friend who was crying for some reason. I think she got humiliated.

And then there was a couple who were having a grand time sharing a quick kiss, or playing around and teasing.

Who could do that with you? All your baggage scares every one away.

I hate when I'm right.

They won't even come after you when your upset. They didn't even notice.

Okay, okay time to shut up now Brittany.
(You can use Brenda if you want)

My mind quieted. Maybe I should just show my happy side to everyone. No more being weak. That'll make it easier on everyone, make better friendships. Right?

As I was coming up with a plan of how to do that I was ripped from my thoughts yet again with an arm on my shoulder.

"Finally found you," Adrien smiled with a sigh. "How are you? You got out of there in a hurry once Marinette and Trenton got there."

Guilt twisted in my chest. I did just leave without a word. That's unfair to them.

You're so rude

I said shut up!

"Oh my word, you're right. I'm so sorry" I didn't know what else to say.

"Hey, it's okay" he searched my face, "are you okay?"

Time to put my little plan in action, "yeah, yeah, I'm-" I paused half a second too long, "I'm fine." I tried to give a small convincing smile.

His eyes darkened seriously, "really..." He raised my arm by the wrist and examined my nails. "Is that why you have skin underneath your finger nails?"

I glanced down to find my shirt corner sticking up, likely from where Adrien grabbed my hand. Sure enough, there were fresh scratch marks barely showing up across my scar.

I looked back up at him, he had me backed into a corner. So much for that plan I made. I slowly made eye contact, my resolve crumbling.

His face softened, "you want to talk about it?"

I really thought about what I was running from, and embarrassment flooded to my cheeks, "you'll think I'm dumb..."

"No, I would never."

I deadpanned him, that is a promise he could never keep.

He chuckled but said sincerely, "It doesn't matter what I think anyway, you're feeling... Not fine and I'm here to listen."

I smiled, maybe a little watery (you won't hear it from me) and nodded.

We walked over to a table and I explained the situation to him. He nodded sympathetically and provided comfort. A couple minutes later I heard my name being called.

"(Y/n)! We've been looking everywhere for you!" Marinette smiled and jogged over. Her hand was grabbed by... A certain ex boyfriend. He pulled her back a couple steps before talking in her ear. She nodded and continued to my side. He hung back and stepped into a shop near by.

"How are you? Are you okay? You just disappeared!" She sat down next to us and grabbed my hand.

Adrien shot me a questioning look out of the corner of his eye.
I came up with a quick lie, not wanting to upset her with the truth. Oh this might bite me in the butt.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. I just wasn't feeling too good for a second. By the time I was done I figured you guys already split up for shopping so I just went on my way." I gave her hand a squeeze and a smile.

She gave a breath of relief, "well that's good."

She continued to talk and the topic of how they met and how great he is.

How they met at the festival and then it went on from there.

Adrien had to repeatedly grab my wrist to stop me from clawing my skin.

A/n: Hey, love you guys. Have a great day!

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