Ch 55

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There we all lie, on the grass, not looking at each other, for all of our eyes were on the sky.

We weren't looking at anything really. Most of the class were bored and we were just finding comfort in the company.

I hadn't noticed that Alya wasn't there until she walked up. She half sung, "hello."

"Is it me you're looking for?"

"Darkness my old friend..."

"It's me."

We all chose our song but Adele won out. It being the lyrics every one knew.

We sung, some fizzling out, other's belting out the words. We faded out after the one of the choruses, but something wasn't sitting right with me.

As we began to sing the chorus, it struck a chord with me. A very unpleasant one. One also all too familiar.

But I laughed, we talked, I decided to leave it be before I got home. Throughout the day, Hello, played pounded in my skull. I hadn't realized it before, I hadn't heard the song in forever.

"Hey, you alright?"

I turned to Nino, "hmm?"

He looked concerned at me, "I was asking if you had heard the new album out, but you didn't seem to be listening..." He put a hand on my shoulder, "are you okay?"

"Oh yeah!" I put a smile on my face, "just zoned out I guess, I stayed up late last night, bad decision..." I stifled a yawn, it wasn't a lie.

I felt arms slide around my waist.

"Is that why you haven't been paying attention to me?" Adrien said into my ear. He buried his nose into my hair and neck.

I giggled and ran my hand through his hair, "yes, yes it is." He only clung a little tighter in response. "My word you are clingy today, aren't ya, sunshine?"

He hummed in what I assumed was agreement and mumbled, "that's new."


"Sunshine, why?"

I had to think about it, "well... Why wouldn't you be my sunshine?" I paused, "do you not like it? I can not call you that--"

Adrien cut me off quickly by spinning me around and placing a soft kiss on my lips, "just curious, Chérie."

I smiled and pecked his lips once more, "I like it."

"Hey, come on! Get a room would you??"

We laughed and he finally let go of my waist. This interaction lifted my spirits enough that I was smiling the rest of the afternoon.

Everytime I wasn't occupied, however, the song began to play on repeat. When it was finally time for all of us to go home, I rushed to a private room.

'Family' dinner prevented my early retreat to my room. (F/meal) thankfully distracted me. I quickly cleaned up (which wasn't uncommon) and rushed up to my room.

Kama floated out in front of my face, the first time today she had the opportunity to talk to me. "I think I know what's up."

I looked at her, concerned, "and do you think the same thing?" I gulped and awaited her answer.

She took a deep breath and only nodded. Once.

I took a timid step towards a paper, folded and pinned to my wall. I brought it over to my computer before opening it and reading the words on it.

The paper was tear stained, just plain lined notebook paper. In the middle, not regarding the lines, were a few words written in overly lazy and loose handwriting.

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