Ch 53

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I lied there on the couch staring at the ceiling. I was quite content having blank thoughts float through my mind, softly contemplating everything. It didn't last long when Alya got my attention.

"(Y/n), what was that about?" She asked a bit impatiently, struggling to keep her cool. I could tell.

I had to do a recap on how I got on this situation.

After the sickening crack that came from the punch, I couldn't tell whether from my hand out his face, there was a stunned silence. Trenton's hand flew up to hold his face, while everyone else stared at me in shock.

After a few beats I felt tears forming even more, out of frustration more than anything. I let out a choked sound that I hated saying, "excuse me."

I quickly with as much dignity as I could manage, aka zero, I turned around and quietly slipped up the stairs to my bathroom. They were the only does in the house that locked, other than the outside ones, of course. I locked the door and looked at myself in the mirror.

What was my life coming to? I watched as tears flowed over my cheeks, when I was supposed to be enjoying an afternoon with my friends. When my sobs slowed enough for me to think properly I glanced down at my hand.

I flexed my fingers, stretched and moved them. I was glad to see that everything was in order, the only casualty to my own health would be a sore hand, nothing more.

I thought back to when I was housed in the USA. My family there had a few boys, not skinny, peace keeper boys either. They probably weren't the best influence on me to tell you the truth. They taught me how to shoot a gun, sneak out, and punch someone in the jaw and/or nose properly.

I fondly smiled at the memory, we lost touch when I got to Melbourne. They taught me a lot.

I wiped my tears away, and thought I could use a glass of milk, or something. I figured everyone would leave after that disaster, I was mistaken. Should have known they would want answers.

As I stepped down the stairs I saw that half of the group left, but some still remained, looking expectedly at me. I silently laid on the couch collecting myself when Alya called me out.

I sat up and put my back against the arm rest, my feet curled in front of me. I looked around the room, Alya stood with her arms crossed, Nino slouched with his hands in his pockets, curiously looking at me. Adrien stood I few steps behind, a supportive look on his face, but not exactly approving. He came and sat in front of me on the couch, hand on my feet; he gave me a slight nod as if to say, 'it's okay, you can start.'

He was the only one who knew about my previous relationship with him. I guess I couldn't get out of telling them now.

I sighed, trying to figure out where to begin. Glancing up at Adrien who gave me an encouraging nod, I finally came to a decision.

"On the day Marinette introduced Trenton to everyone?" I said slowly, struggling for words.

Alya raised an eyebrow at me, "yeah? What about it?"

"Well that wasn't the first time I met him."

She looked confused, "you mean you knew they were together before everyone else?"

"No, I knew home even before that," I paused, "I think."

Nino piped up, "that doesn't make sense, just spit it out will you? What does that mean?" He looked at Adrien, "you seem fine with this, do you already know?"

"Yes Nino, I already know." Adrien said seriously, not backing down. He turned back to me, "it's okay (y/n), you can keep going."

I nodded and continued, "well, I met him about when I met you guys, and--" I had to stop, I didn't want to cry. I took a deep breath, "he, he was-- he is my ex boyfriend..." I took up the courage to look straight at Alya, who it looked like paled and threw away her angry expression.

Everyone was at a loss for words it seemed, (other than Adrien and I since, ya know, we knew) and I took the opportunity to break the silence.

I chuckled and said, "and anyway, we made a pact, and you said it still holds true, so that should be explanation enough so..."

Now Adrien could be confused, "what?"

I smiled softly at him, glancing at Alya to see if we should keep it secret or not. She was chuckling at Nino who had the same expression.

"Well," she began, "when we were last boxing each other, we came up with an interesting friend ship level almost."

I took over, "we though, are we good enough friends that we could do this... Thing to each other's... Stuff" I didn't know how much we wanted to reveal.

"And so, we made a promise to each other, that as long as there was a reason, they could do it."

Nino looked worried, "and what was this... Thing to stuff?"

I laughed, "we could punch each other's boyfriends in the face."

Both men paled but stayed silent.

Me and Alya were laughing for a good couple minutes before we quieted down and brought the topic back to the solemn one that came before.

"When did you guys break up? Was he a jerk? Tell me really why" Alya sat in between Adrien and I, putting a hand on my knee.

"Do you remember that dance that I couldn't go to because I was sick? The one I dressed you up for?" I was replied with nods from everyone. "Well Trenton went to that alone, I encouraged him to have a good time without me, I didn't want to be that girlfriend. Afterwards he started to become more distant from me, not talking, just working on homework and just kind of cooling off from me." Alya had a sympathetic expression, not saying a word.

"One day I was preparing to work on homework with him when he told me, '(y/n), I kind of like someone else more than I like you, so I don't think we should be together anymore.'"

I looked around the room to see mutual anger in everyone's eyes. "So imagine my surprise when I see that the girl who was more worth is time was Marinette... Oh and I forgot to mention that I went to him for homework help a little while before. I asked about this 'fantastic girl' sarcastically obviously, and he went on and on about her, just making me feel even worse." I threw on the most fake, widest smile I could muster and said, "and that's that!"

Alya told her side of the story, "we met him at the dance, me and Marinette that is. They seemed charmed with each other, but I never heard from or about him again. And he didn't say anything about being in a relationship."

I just nodded my head.

I got a group hug around me which was nice, and I cleared the air with, "I at least got some closure."

"Oh and did you see the blood dripping down his face?"

"Dang it I missed it when I left"

"You pack a nice punch"


"Remind us to never get on your bad side"

"Will do"


Hey guys! So my only excuse right now is writer's block, because I got a new phone so...

Thanks for your patience and all the support!

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Love y'all!


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