Ch 43

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It's been a week since the... Incident.

My wound is healing nicely, but it's apparent that it won't be forgotten, physically or mentally. Marinette and Adrien have been the fantastic friends that they naturally are and have been switching off hosting me to rewrap my bandages. We made the best of by having movie night together, sometimes asking the others over too.

Tonight was one of those nights where we were all crowded in Marinette's living room. She invited everyone over thinking we all needed a nice relaxing Friday night. Marinette left the bathroom to prepare snacks and get the movie options out. Adrien finished up securing the new bandage as the rest of the group arrived. I dropped my shirt over it and he guided me out to the open room.

Alya and Nino sent a discreet eyebrow wiggle that I in turn raised my own at. They shot an innocent smile at me as they turned to the others.

Everyone had on pajamas and brought even more snacks. I couldn't help but drool at the snack corner; it's like it had a gravitational pull. It was tugging at me, calling me to come and partake. I felt my feet move in my onesie bottoms (the top was tied around my waist) towards (f/snack).

I was stopped by Adrien's arm resting on my shoulder, subtly telling me that now was not the time. I was tempted to go anyway, but we were voting on movies to watch, and I knew he would let me go right after. He knows I'm picky about most of my movies...

"Hey guys, what do you want to watch this fine evening?" Marinette welcomed the group and put on a little accent at the end making us laugh.

"We could go Disney tonight," Rose suggested happily, but Kim disagreed.

"I say some sport or action movie!"

There were equal amounts of cheers and groans.

Arguing commenced, but I couldn't understand what anyone was saying. Suddenly, Alya jumped on to the couch and shouted above everybody, "how 'bout a movie marathon!?"

There was a moment of silence, before everyone voiced their agreement.

Marinette brought order to the group while naming some series she had to go on a marathon, "Okay, Okay... So I got some Star Wars, Hunger Games, Highschool Musical, if you want to get really ambitious we can do Harry Potter, and (f/series (if not there))"

We all cast votes, and I voted the loudest. (F/s) barely won, but everyone in the group was okay with it, so no one was totally upset.

I was now released to scavenge snacks, which I did. I piled up with (f/snack) and then a little of everything else. When I walked back to the living room all the chairs were taken, so I sat on the floor in front of Marinette's legs, just to the side enough to rest my head in the crack between her and the arm rest of the couch.

The first movie started and every one quieted down.

Everyone miraculously stayed quiet through the whole thing. About half way through, I was contently watching and Marinette started to play with strands of my hair. She took some pieces and started to braid it and just mess with it. It felt nice.

The next movie was started; we all refilled on snacks and some of our seats were switched and swapped.

Kim and Max said that they didn't enjoy the second installment as much as the others and pulled out a deck of cards. They started to play speed, right. In front. Of the TV.

They weren't loud, or in the way of most people some how, but Kim was just tall enough to block Marinette's view right behind me. I was far enough to the side to see around him. Mari ended up squirming and stretching to try and see; she finally settled on leaning across the arm of the couch, in a way I'm sure wasn't that comfortable.

I know she could and would call Kim out, but I also know she was a firm believer in not disrupting a movie. Especially when Kim would argue back to her. He wasn't in the best mood this week.

So she suffered for a couple minutes. When I'm assuming she started to cramp, she politely lifted my head and walked away. I heard he whisper to some one but I was too engrossed in the movie to really pay attention.

I felt he sit back down behind me and so I returned my head to it's previous position.

Except her knee felt different, and she wasn't leaning to see around Kim.

I leaned my head back even more to look up at the person sitting behind me. I found that Adrien had taken up residents. He was kindly smiling at me before he returned his eyes to the movie, and I followed.

His leg was less comfortable than Mari's in my current position so occasionally I shifted during the course of the show.

As we neared the middle, I was so focused on the movie that my neck began to cramp, but I didn't move it... Cuz I was focused on the movie.

Adrien started to play with my hair that was draped over his leg. His fingers stroked the top of my neck below the scalp. As his finger gently massaged my head I realized how tense my neck was. I relaxed and let his finger tips mindlessly tangle and untangle my hair as I closed my eyes.

I didn't even notice when the movie ended and we popped in the next one.

There was no expressing how good it felt for him to manipulate my scalp. I slowly felt my conscience wander away from me. Before I totally drifted off I could hear some snickering come from the couch behind me, but I was too distracted to really understand what was going on.

Sleep over took me before the end of the movie.


A/n: just wanted to say thanks for reading!

We just hit 3K reads guys! Thank you sooooooooo much!

I would really appreciate your votes and feedback, I'll reply as soon as I can.

Love y'all, have a good day!


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