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I groaned as I shut my textbook. I finished my math homework a couple minutes ago, but I didn't have the energy to actually accept that I was done.

Standing, I stretched and checked my phone for the time. I was due at Alya's house in a few minutes to work on a group project.  We have to make an advertisement and sell it to the class. It includes making a presentation, and whatever else we want to have.

I grabbed my backpack with my notes and laptop in it and set out the door. My shoulders are tight and stiff from stress, but I really don't notice anymore.

I don't know how we are really going to get any work done, honestly. We are in groups of three, with Alya, Marinette and I. Us alone could get stuff done, but then we decided to do a collab with Adrien, Nino, and Nathaniel's group. We are going to work in the same room, bouncing ideas off each other, supposedly.

I just know we are going to get off track and just talk about how much we don't want to do this project. And then we will be behind. And then I'm going to be even more stressed.

I arrived at the door with a couple minutes to spare as I knocked. She opened the door and let me in. I started to set up shop in Alya's room as every one else arrived.

Nino came next and gave her a sweet hug that lasted a lot longer than necessary.

"Get a room you two," I called over to them while I continued to set up my laptop, plugging it into the wall to keep it charged.

"We would but you're in mine!" Alya called back to me followed by our snickers.

Every one else came in one by one with Marinette skidding and panting as she ran in last. She was late. Again.

We began to work on our projects, and surprisingly we stayed on track. We brain stormed together to try and figure out what we wanted to sell. We could come up with anything, really.

The boys, well, they decided on selling the tree off the Lorax. You know, the one that has the Disco setting on it. Us girls don't know if we approve or not.

"Come on! It's going to be so great," Nino tried to convince Alya.

I personally agreed that it would be hilarious to watch, but I'm not sure how they are going to pull it off.

It took us a while, but we finally agreed to try and advertise a weighted electric blanket. It just sounds toasty and awesome. Like a warm hug.

I like warm hugs.

Alya and Marinette were crowded around the computer, trying to get it all done. I had already contributed to the project, and there wasn't any room for me anyway. I would help, but there wasn't a thing for me to do.

I sat on Alya's bed as I watched everyone else work on the projects. Everyone was working hard and they all looked tense despite the due date being more than a week away. Marinette was the most tense because she knew this was probably going to be the only time she would be able to work on it without an akuma to distract her.

I thought I would try to help, at least a little bit. I walked over to her and started to rub her shoulders. Her shoulders stiffened even more before she understood what I was doing.

I started to walk backwards, dragging her away from the computer. I sat her on the bed beside me so I could give a proper massage.

I started to work on her shoulders first and she slowly loosened up. I moved down her back and she relaxed little by little. I eventually had her lie down so I had more leverage. She gave quiet hums of approval. I finished off with scratches going up and down her back.

When I finished she stretched and sat up again. I nodded for her to go back to the computer while I grabbed Alya to repeat the process.

"How are you so good at this?" She mumbled into the mattress as I was finishing up.

"I really don't know why everyone thinks I'm so good at it, but I try," I replied as I pulled her  up from her bed and sending her to continue the presentation while I chipped in with ideas every once in a while.

I grabbed Nathaniel next as he was the one working the hardest at the other computer set up. I let the other guys continue as I gave him a massage. It was a bit more awkward because I don't know him as well as everyone else, but it wasn't unbearable.

Then I grabbed Adrien. Nino was messing around and didn't deserve one yet. My hands were tired and sore by now and so I ended up working slower. He was the toughest one so far too. Maybe it was all the other stress that he doesn't notice anymore.

To make it easier on me I had him take his white shirt off so he was lying in just his black t-shirt. I could just see how wound up his back was. I worked hard and slow to try and work the knots out of his muscles. Like all the other ones I worked from top to bottom.

I ended up using my elbow with how tired I already was. I worked with my forearms that ended up with me a lot closer to him than my other patients. I hate to say it but I enjoyed having him relax at my touch; he looked so peaceful as I felt the knots dissolve out of his strong back.

I again finished with scratching his back. He let out a low hum that I could feel through my hand. I felt my heart speed up a fraction and my face felt warm. He continued to hum and slowly my bodily functions went back to normal.

I had to shake out my hands and stretch before I did Nino. He was relaxed already so I didn't have to do him for nearly as hard or long, which was a relief.

I sighed and lied on the bed once I did everyone. I shut my eyes for a moment before I felt myself being flipped over. I jolted and my eyes flew open before I realized that it was just Adrien. I allowed him to flip me over on to my stomach on the bed.

"What're you doing..." I mumbled into the bed, too tired to do anything about it.

"Have you not noticed how tight you are?" He started to grip at my shoulders and I winced at how sore they were.

"Guess not" I shifted my head to the side so I could breath better, then I closed my eyes again.

He slowly and almost expertly worked on my back and I slowly relaxed. It felt heavenly. I heard a quiet moan come from somewhere and then a chuckle above me.

"You work yourself too hard"

I couldn't open my mouth and responded with a "hmm."

He started to scratch my back like what I did and I was instantly in Valhalla. I let out a hum and a sigh. The outer world faded away, bit by bit.

I woke up the next day not remembering how I got to my own bed.

A/n: My choir teacher has us do massage chains every Friday. What a cool thing your teachers do?

Love you guys, have a fantastic weekend.

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