Ch 50 (49 pt 2)

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I heard a knock on my window, and I suddenly stopped crying. I wiped away the tears. They still threatened, but I held them back to the best of my ability.

I opened the window to see a black silhouette drop into my room.

"That was a load of bull crap back there," Chat told me harshly. He hadn't looked at me yet, instead taking a glance around my room before finally settling his gaze on me.

Rude, liar, selfish.

Why do they still talk to you?

Tears flowed down my cheeks. I attempted to stop them but I was unsuccessful. I ended up turning around quickly to play with something on my desk, hoping he didn't see.

He turned me back around slowly, and with a soft voice asked, "what happened back there?" He brushed his gloved thumb across my wet cheek.

My lip quivered involuntarily. I open my mouth to speak, but no sound came out. Not even an embarrassing squeak.

He looked around and his eyes landed on the little corner on my bed that I resisted in before he came the the window. He guided me back to the bed and had me sit down. He curled me up back in my pillows and blankets when he sat beside me.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I didn't trust my voice yet, but I knew I did want to tell him, so I selfishly nodded my head.

He nodded his own before asking another question, "can you talk about it?"

I decided to try and forced out a quiet and weak, "I don't know."

His hand came over and grasped my own that I was playing with, "was it something to do with the Metro?"

I stopped fiddling and slightly subconsciously tightened my grip on his hand. A feeble "yeah" came out of my lips.

Before he could reply I elaborated, much to my own surprise. "I haven't stepped foot into a station since she died."

It felt like a switch was flipped inside of me. My tears stopped flowing, and my voice became more clear. I felt...cold almost. Sadness still gripped at my gut, but it no longer gripped at my head.

I heard him inhale almost in realization. He gave my hand a squeeze in comfort. Silence surrounded us for a good couple moments before either of us spoke again.

"It wasn't just that though," he paused and turned slightly towards me without drilling his gaze through my skull. "Was it?"

I had to think about it for a moment before answering, "not now, but at first it was." I sighed, "it just triggered a-- um- an avalanche of... Emotion?" I rubbed a hand over my face to cover up my short-comings of language.

He rubbed his thumb over my hand softly, "I always did wonder where Lapin Roos went when we got there. I mean," he chuckled, "she was the one who called and then she didn't even show up..." He looked at me, "how did you find out anyway?"

My frown lifted a bit, painfully, "maybe some other time..." I watched his eyes widen, almost in guilt as we sank back into silence.

Inconveniently, I became hyper aware of everything. My breathing, my heart beating, every point of contact on my body: my clothes, the blankets, the pillows, and how close Chat was sitting next to me.

It wasn't bad, just strange as I had to think about my breathing and how nice it was to have Chat hold my hand. His knee brushing my foot every time he shifted ever so slightly.

Probably taking my irregular, manual breathing as a cue, he asked another question, "What else were you crying about?"

Hesitation gripped at my throat.

Don't thoughtlessly throw your problems on someone else.

But I need help.

"Um, insecurities, I guess..." I fought against all of my inner will to get it out, because in the long run I know it will be better to tell someone. Even if it will bite me in the butt right now.

He was totally supportive, "like what?"

My stomach still fell, "why do you want to know?"

"To see if I can void any, if not all of them," he sat up straight and faced me. He grabbed both of my hands and sat there, earnestly waiting my answer.

"I feel so dumb doing this..." I looked down at our clasped hands before I continued. With a deep inhale and exhale I went on, "it started with thinking about how selfish I am..." I glanced up to see him opening his mouth, but I cut him off before he could speak. "Even now, I'm taking your time, and shoving my problems on you... Then it trailed to how rude I am to just leave you guys hanging. Who would support someone like that whole heartedly?"

There was no stopping my now, "I lied to all my friends, like I couldn't trust them! No one trusts a liar! Who would love a selfish, rude, liar like me?" I had to take in a deep breath, "and then we get to how ugly, jealous, and trashy I am! And over all!" I looked deep into his eyes through the salty tears welling up, my voice started to fail me as I softly said, "look how emotionally unstable I am... No one want to take care of someone like me... Who--" I let out a little hiccup, "who would-- no, who could love me?"

I finally allowed myself to breathe normally as I calmed the occasional hiccup that left my mouth.

He just stared at me, what better way to confirm my fears? Not even my best friend here could support some so broken as I.

I let my gaze fall as a tear fell along with it. I withdrew my hands from his own as I started to fiddle with my nails, cleaning the gunk out, peeling dead skin off from around the edges. My feet curled up into myself even more.

He still didn't say anything, instead he did something I never would have guessed. He was right in front of me in an instant before I knew he moved. His hands held my face on either side and he tilted up my head. His lips found mine in a hasty kiss.

It all happened in an instant, and before I knew it, it was over. His forehead was leaned against mine and his body kneeling in front of mine.

"It's not selfish to get out of a situation, or ask for help. Rude would be doing it intentionally, so for the same reason you aren't rude. And you do everything kindly, which is the opposite of rude." His breath mingled with mine as the taste of salty tears started to stop.

"And you are beautiful. Simply gorgeous. Jealous is normal for everyone. And I would take care of you, no matter how emotionally unstable you are." He paused, brushing his nose against mine, "I would love you."

The moment was interrupted by Kama playing a song on my phone.

I want to know what love iiiiisssss! I want you to show mmmeeeee!♪

She just gave a mischievous smile.

I let out a little laugh, a weight was lifted from my chest. It felt so good. Euphoric, I could smile for days.

I grabbed his bell and pulled him closer, causing another kiss between us. He didn't resist, moving one of his hands to tangle in my hair.

When we pulled back again for air I spoke, "Thank you... I - I love you too."

So! It finally happened! Thanks for all the support I have been given so far, stay tuned for the next chapter!

Love ya! Have a good day!

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