Ch 34

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I ran up the stairs, making a mental checklist.

•Air Mattress -- cushioning.

•Sleeping bag -- protection from the elements.

•Rations -- combat hunger.

•Beverages -- combat thirst.

•Phone -- communication/entertainment/ light.

•Book -- Entertainment.

•Blanket -- warmth/comfort.

•Pillows -- cushion/comfort.

•Beanie -- warmth/darkness.

•Sketchpad -- entertainment/inspiration.

•Writing utensils -- assist in sketchpad use.


Now to go on my own adventure. Just me against the world and all the elements that she can throw at me. Let's see if I can--

"Where are you going with all that?"

My mother has caught me as I began to ascend the stair case.

I turned around and put a natural smile on my face. (Not really if you haven't caught on)

"Weeelllll, Iwasgoingtogosleepontheroofto watchthemeteorshowerifthat's alright."

*Ping of a wide smile being struck*

My mom blinked at me, "sure. Come down if you need anything."

"Thanks!" I bolted up the stairs to start preparing my party of one. That being me.

I set up and got comfortable inside my sleeping bag. I pulled out my phone and read Tumblr posts while occasionally looking up at the sky while it was getting darker.

I put my phone down to watch the last beams of the sun retreat against the horizon. The light gave way to the darkness helping the stars become visible.

A sudden feeling washed over me as I looked into the expanse of the universe. The light of each of those stars were made so long ago, and they were thousands of times larger than the sun that I just watched sink below the ground.

I was so small. So worthless in the beauty of, well, everything. I felt my chest contract as this thought wedged it's way through. Breathing became a bit labored and my eyes stung.





One by one they stomped in my mind before I shook them out.

No. Not this again.

I remembered a little two line poem that I made that helps lift my spirits.

(Inspired by posts above)

I slowly took deeper breaths to help get me back to "Normal."

I grabbed a Sharpie an wrote two words on my wrists. One for each arm.

I sighed and smiled at the stars. The attacks have been getting less frequent, which is nice. I hope they go away.

A small thump tore me from my thoughts.

"Looks like a pretty sweet set up"

I jumped and the squeaking of the air mattress was a little awkward.

"Hi, uh, yeah." I turned to the boy who is now on my rooftop. "What brings the great Chat Noir to my roof?"

"Well I was about to ask you the same question," he smiled and leaned on his baton.

"You didn't hear about the meteor shower tonight? At least 20 per hour! I hope I can see them, previous attempts have all failed me."

"That sounds cool... Can. Um. Can I join you?" He shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably.

"Sure?" I shrugged my shoulders and shifted over on the mattress.

"Wait, I'll, uh, I'll get some stuff from my house. I'll be back." He leapt away without another word.

I turned back to the sky, twiddling my thumbs till he came back.

I opened up (f/snack) and started to eat it. I mean I know Chat in the suit, but -- wait, Kama hasn't said anything this whole night.

I looked down at my sweatshirt to see her lying there looking at me.


She smiled oh-so-innocently at me, "don't mind me, I'll just sit here and watch the shower. You have fun with Chat."

I began to sweat.

Why did I do that. I invited a boy, one who I do not know enough to talk to. I was too much of a coward to invite any of my FRIENDS to this. My gosh I am a GENIUS.

I am a brilliant coward.

Before I could go past my conclusion, Chat returned with his own air mattress and his own back pack full of snacks. He blew his up next to mine and we exchanged snacks.

I reached for the bowl when Chat grabbed my arm, startling me.


"Wha- oh sorry, that was sudden. Um," he gently held my arm having the inside up. He reached for my other arm and I gave it to him.

He eyed the neatly written words STAR DUST that were written there.

He looked them over and looked back at me with an almost cautious curiosity in his masked eyes, "What's this?" He nodded to the words on my wrists.

I laughed airily and said, "well, uh, it helps remind me of a poem that calms me down... It helps with, um, it reminds me that I'm worth something." I looked up into his eyes that expressed sympathy.

"What is it? The poem?"

"Um, uh, it isn't much. I made it myself-"

"Well let's hear it."

I covered my face, "it's dumb, and inspired by a Tumblr post, I don't even know--"

"I don't care," he pulled my hands away, "I'm curious, please tell me."

I sighed, "well it's, uh,

"My heart pumps star dust,
And the sea runs in my veins.

It helps me think that I'm made of powerful things and I matter."

"I like that. Don't forget the wind in every breath you take, and one of the most powerful phenomenons in the universe held within a single eye." He softly smiled before turning back to the sky.

We turned just in time to catch one of the first meteors of the night.

Black Leather and White Fur (Chat Noir X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now