Ch 12

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A/n: The story will be in your pov unless said otherwise, so this is going to be (I'm hoping) a rare chapter where it isn't in your pov.

3rd pov
(Mother's name) put her phone away with a sigh, "She's on her way to the grocery store."

There were collective sighs of relief around the living room. The whole class was there, they planned on coming as of the end of school.

Chloe had come up to Marinette, Alya, Nino, and Kim at the end of their last class and pretty much told them that they were going to come and set up a party for (y/n) at her house. They all agreed with her and Kim was sent to tell the rest of the class. They all went group shopping for presents and then Chloe led the way to the birthday girl's house.

When asked how Chloe knew her address the only response they got was, "I'm her best friend of course I know where she lives, that would be terrible of me if I didn't." It really didn't answer anyone's questions but they came to terms that that was the one answer they would get.

They got to the house hoping (y/n) wasn't home. When (m/n) (l/n) opened the door and said she was out at the moment they all quickly got to work. They were half way done when they looked at the time and panicked, she would be home soon.

The quick recovery of her mom was nothing short of miraculous. (😉) They got it all done luckily and a huge help came from (y/n)'s parents.

*Bzz bzz* pah ping

Mrs. (L/n) had just gotten a text from (y/n) reading, 'I'm around the block, almost home.'

'Ok thank you. ❤️' 


"Ok everyone! She is on her way!" She informed everyone. They squatted behind the couch and other furniture. They left the lights on and (father's name) and (m/n) stayed out preparing what little was left of dinner. They had to double it since the class was over but with everyone helping it was ok.

Now to wait for the special person to arrive.


Your pov

I sent the text and walked around the corner. 'One more block, then dinner.' I had the groceries in hand and the sun was starting to set; I looked at the time. 'Its that late already?' I looked up and saw someone familiar.


He looked at me and smiled, he had a small bag in hand and he waved at me with his free hand. "Hey (y/n), long time no see, right?"

I laughed, "yeah, so how has you afternoon been?"

"Same old, same old," He glanced at the plastic bag in my hand that held my produce and the extra chocolate that I bought. "Whatcha got there?"

I gave a light sigh, "groceries for dinner." I pointed at his bag, "what about you?"

He paused like he didn't know how to answer. He tried to cover it up and said, "umm... just a bit of shopping last minute before the weekend."

I nodded slightly and before I could say anything else he quickly bid farewell.

"Sorry, I would love to talk longer, but I have to go." He turned in the direction he needed to go and said over his shoulder, "happy birthday, (y/n)," he said it with a soft smile that made him look very attractive in the light.

My voice caught for a split second but I was proud of my recovery in saying, "thanks. See ya!"

He gave a small throw of his hand in a wave.

I shook my head, trying to clear it. 'That was strange.' It must have been one of those things where you see someone on the street or someone you know and you just acknowledge their beauty for a moment... Usually guys, cuz I'm a teenage girl for crying out loud, we do that.

I turned and walked to my front door, opening it. I looked at my mom at the kitchen sink and I lightly set the bag on the table. I reached in it, grabbed the chocolate and slid it into my backpack. I walked towards the living room when the whole room exploded into "HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Y/N)!!"s.

I physically jumped and gave a "wahh!" I waited for them to quiet down before I asked, "How did you find my house?!?"

They all said in unison, "Chloe."

I just had to stare in amazement at this blonde standing in front of me. She had some serious detective skills... Or she was a serious stalker... I hope it's just the former.

We had a great time as a party and I couldn't believe the effort they all went into. I got a gift from everyone, which I told them the shouldn't have done, but they insisted and honestly I just said that to be polite.

I got some useful gifts like a new calculator from Max, which when my old one was my dad's in highschool, it is greatly appreciated. There were also some just nice ones, like the (f/c) skirt I got from Marinette. She was disappointed that she wasn't able to make it all herself, but she got it plain and she added a whole bunch of pretty embellishments to make it her own.

I was so grateful for them all. They all got a hug on the way out, whether they wanted it or not. The Quatuple (Adrien, Nino, Alya, and Marinette) and Chloe got the best hugs since I know them a bit better than the rest.

I was so happy. That was probably the best birthday I have ever had.

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