Ch 61 ( Pssst->The end)

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A/n: Well, here it is. Last story chapter. I will probably do some fun facts, or thought processes behind writing it afterwards, so be sure to stay tuned for those too.

Without further adieu, enjoy the finale...

Finally, a lazy day to sit in my room, watch whatever I want, and surf the net. And I was doing just that, scrolling through Pinterest as (f/show) was casually playing on my laptop.

It finally felt like all the pieces had fallen into place. All the loose ends got tied together like some sort of cliche. As much as I hate them, I'm glad this story was one.

But I guess my life isn't over yet, so we'll see how the rest turns out. For now, I'll enjoy this quiet moment, absent mindedly scrolling, wasting the day.

Up until a picture caught my eye that is. I immediately thought of a... Certain black cat. I impulsively took a screenshot.



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this is u

The typing icon came up and disappeared a number of times before it disappeared indefinitely. That worried me. I wasn't paying attention to my show anymore, so I paused it and watched my phone for any kind of response.

To be honest I was laughing really hard while I was doing it. Right as my giggles subsided I heard a sound outside my window. I stuck my phone in my pocket and creeped over. A few steps before I reached it, it opened and in flew Noir with a not too happy look on his face.

"I want you to say that to my face..." Oh, he was not amused.

I forcibly traced my teeth, struggling not to laugh. When I was going to answer he took a step closer. I prepared my self and glanced at Kama floating nearby, giving her a signal. Turning to the man in front of me I finally gave in.

Giggling I said, "that was you!"

I ran to the window, transforming in the process. I could hear a 'Hey!' being shouted behind me as I jumped off the wall onto the neighboring building's roof.

The chase was on.

Roof top to roof top we ran and hopped. Breeze blowing, birds flying, and the mesh of noises from the city below brushing past our ears. I felt free...

Yet a bit anxious from the circumstances...

I laughed as my muscles protested one too many times and I stopped to catch my breath on a random house. I was still laughing when he caught up.

The look on his face he was trying not to crack up himself. He was trying so hard to look angry.

When I caught my breath I detransformed. There was a moment of silence as we stood facing each other...

...then we burst out laughing. I love moments like this.

I leaned against a chimney, Noir standing in front of me. I couldn't help but smile as I looked at him. His eyes grew wider and seemed to spark stars after a moment, making them even more beautiful.

There was a comfort in his pear colored eyes. I remember spending a whole afternoon trying to find what color his eyes are. And even now it still doesn't perfectly describe the feeling coming from them. Its like the comfort of a garden in the late summer, surrounded by fruit of all kinds. Secret garden style. Calming, a feeling of belonging.

I felt my heart beat slow before his words picked up the tempo.

"May I kiss you, Chérie?" He took a half step closer, still giving me space though.

My gaze was still on his eyes, which were staring at my lips. I took a moment to take in the scene before giving my answer in a whisper, "yes."

His eyes flicked up to mine when he slowly closed the gap between us.

There aren't sparks anymore, but I don't mind, the fire's already lit. I enjoy the warmth. The familiar feeling of love could fuel me forever.

He slid his arm around my waist, pulling me close. I found my hands sliding over his leather outfit, up his chest to his shoulders.

The slow kiss gradually got faster, more heated. My body began to arch into him, hands tangled in his mess of hair. A little sigh came out of my nose instinctively.

Noir's hands rested on my waist and pushed me gently back. I was then firmly against the chimney wall, no space between us. A quiet groan was voiced into my own mouth.

I felt a vibration course though my body. One of my hands fell from his thick locks to his shoulder. My palm was soon flat against his chest, the source of the vibrations. His purr only encouraged me, an unexpected perk and something only I would experience. My fingers gripped at his hair and clothing tightened.

It was amazing, feeling the warmth, the heat, from each other in contrast to the steadily decreasing temperature in the air around us. Eventually, however, it had to end.

It slowed with quick kisses until our foreheads were touching, our breath mingling together with the sound of our panting. My eyes remained closed, just breathing, feeling as his nose softly brushed my own.

When I finally did look at him I found his eyes transfixed on me, the glimmer in them entrancing. He placed one more soft kiss on my lips before he whispered, "I love you so much."

My smile stretched wider when I impulsively swiped my tongue against the tip of his nose, making him go cross-eyed. I giggled before amending, "I love you too."

We probably looked like love struck idiots standing there smiling. And that was probably the most accurate category we could have been sorted in.

Noir's smile tilted to a slight smirk. I couldn't do anything before he whipped around me, pulling my back into his chest and then leaned back onto the wall behind us. A slight squeak left my throat while doing so.

There we stood, watching the last rays of the sun set below the horizon. His face was buried in the crook of my neck, leaving the occasional kiss there. After a minute I felt him detransform behind me.

I lifted my hand to cradle his head and turned my face to rub my nose in his hair. I don't know why, but I meant it as a silent question.

Adrien answered it nevertheless, "I just wanted to feel you." His hands messed with my fingers clasped at my waist as if to prove his point.

I hummed in acknowledgement, facing the twinkling sky once more. Standing here, in a place so beautiful, with a person even more so, who loves me just as much as I love him, a thought came into my mind, one that will follow me forever, a gorgeous comforting thought, that is, 'this feels like home, home sweet home...'


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