Chapter 5

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Two days, it took Craig two days to realize I hadn't called or texted him. He texted me to ask if he could come by to get one of his text books. I'm sure if the book hadn't have cost an arm and a leg he would have just bought a new one. I wasn't going to be spiteful. I told him to come get it. A little after two there was a knock on my door. I assumed it was Craig coming to get his book and to exit stage left from my life. I threw the door open without looking through the peephole. Standing in front of me was a very tall, very well built, very handsome man. He had dark blonde hair and piercing grey eyes. His face was chiseled like it was made from granite. His biceps strained the arm holes in the dark blue t-shirt he had on. His jeans were slung low on his hips and I'm sure if I had stared long enough I could have counted way more than a six pack on his abs.

"Ah, hello?" I found my voice somehow.

"Good afternoon, are you Miss Doe?" His voice was like silk.

I just nodded. Please don't let me wake up if this is a dream. This guy oozed sex appeal. Amelia would shit if she saw this guy.

"I have something that I think belongs to you." His smile was blinding. He held up my shoes right as Craig came around the corner.

"Calla? What the fuck is going on?" Craig looked at me like I had some how done something wrong. I didn't know how this guy knew me or why he had my shoes. I was standing in my doorway! This guy was in the hallway, not even in my apartment for crying out loud.

"I knew you were cheating on me!"

"Really that's what you're going to do right now you hypocritical piece of shit?" I fumed. I looked from Craig to Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome.

"I'm sorry Mr?"

He smirked. "It's okay baby you don't have to pretend." He flipped his stony gaze to Craig. "Why are you here piss ant?"

Craig scanned the guy up and down and knew he didn't stand a ghost of a chance, but still decided to act like he did. "My girlfriend has a textbook I need."

The guy looked to my hands and saw the textbook I was holding. "This book?" He slid the book from my hands.

"Yeah that one." Craig huffed.

The guy tossed the book to Craig. "Now run along."

"What are you going to do if I don't?' Craig eyed the guy. I couldn't believe he suddenly thought he was tough.

"Well, I'll tell you piss ant. I'm thinking about doing your ex girlfriend on every surface of this apartment. Starting with this door right here." He patted the door above my head. "Wanna watch, learn a thing or two."

"Bullshit!" Craig started to turn red.

The guy dropped my shoes and grabbed me around the waist. I squealed a tiny bit as he lifted me up. My legs had a mind of their own and wrapped around him as he pressed me against the door. He didn't kiss me but attacked my neck with tiny buzzing little bites. My breath caught in my throat as he rotated his hips into mine. Holy hell! I whimpered a sigh as I felt how generous the gods had been when they gave him a certain body part. My hands curled into his hair at the back of his neck.

"You bitch! I was just using you anyway!" Craig yelled before he stormed out of my building.

As soon as Craig was out of sight the guy pulled away from my neck to look into my eyes.

"Names Donovan, sorry not sorry. That little piss ant needed to be put in his place." His silky voice was just a touch huskier than it had been before.

"Um, yeah? Thanks?" What did you say to a guy you kind of sort of made out with, who still had me between him and the door.

He chuckled a little. "Cole asked me to return your shoes you left in his ambulance."

"Did umm, he say why I was in his ambulance?" My fingers were still caught in his hair and my legs still wrapped around his waist.

"No, he didn't. I'm kinda glad I got to bring them to you though." He moved his hips just a touch. "You know, now that you're single and all, maybe we should go out soon. Get to know each other." He moved his lips next to my ear and whispered so sensually, "I can smell your desire from here. I bet if I slipped my hand down into these little shorts you'd be hot and wet for me." He slid his giant hands from my ass and worked his way to the back of my legs. His fingers so close to finding out he was totally right.

"Whoa! Who is this? How could you keep this from me Calla? And does he have a brother?" Amelia looked awestruck at Donovan.

He chuckled a little and moved to set me back on the ground.

"Umm, Amelia this is Donovan. Donovan this is my roommate Amelia." I said as I tried to adjust my shorts and not seem overly embarrassed.

"Nice to meet you." He said to her, but he only glanced at her quickly before looking back to me. " And I do have a brother."

I thought Amelia was going to bounce up and down, jumping for joy.

"I have to go now, but think about what I offered sweet pea." He handed me a business card.

"Thanks for returning my shoes. I guess thank Cole too for hanging on to them." I floundered for more to say.

"Bye Amelia, later Sweet Pea." He winked and left closing the door behind him.

Amelia looked from me to the closed door three times. "Alright spill bitch, cause I have to know!"

So I related the story, "And then you showed up. So yeah, I got my shoes back." I flipped his card over looking at his name in big bold letters. Donovan Black. Under his name was a phone number. No occupation. The card was thick card stock, and a light grey color. It felt expensive, but gave me zero clues about him.

"Oooh, let's see if we can find him on line or Facebook. He's got to be like a model or something." Amelia ran to her room to grab her laptop.

For the next two hours we searched every social media site, Google, mugshot sites, we even tried MySpace. Nothing. Absolutely not one thing. Not a picture, not a mention of him, nothing.

"Well he said Cole the paramedic sent him, so they must be at least friends. Maybe if we looked up Cole we could find something." I pondered.

"Okay let's try that." Amelia and I spent another hour looking for Cole. We got lucky the local paper had a picture of him and his last name Simms. But even with his last name that newspaper picture was all we could find on him. It was bizarre. Hell I'm a complete nobody studying child development and psychology and if I put my name in Google you at least get pictures of me. How are two guys who know each other able to be completely void on the internet? It was driving me crazy. Everything about that night was driving me crazy. I know I was bit, but the hospital and doctor said it was drugs. Nothing about that night or these guys made sense.

"Ugh, this is frustrating with a capital F!" Amelia slammed her laptop closed. "You should just call him and go out with the guy. Maybe you can pick up some clues after you pick up your clothes from his bedroom floor."

"Oh my God Amelia, I'm not going to sleep with him! I'm probably never going to call him. I went out with Craig for like six months and we still haven't had sex. I don't know what it was about Donovan but I feel like I had no control. Like I was under a spell!" I hid my face in my hands. "If you hadn't come home when you did, I don't know how far I would have let him go." My muffled voice was full of embarrassment.

"Girl, he was sex personified. Mother Teresa would have gone down on him in front of the Pope if Donovan had asked her to." Amelia rubbed my back. "Don't feel bad about it. Just enjoy the ride." she laughed.

"I'm going to get some food and get ready for class tomorrow. I'm ready to forget this week even happened." I stood from the couch and moved toward the kitchen.

"Good luck with that. I feel like this is all leading to something big." Amelia said as she went to her room.

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