Chapter 20

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I woke up stiff and sore. I cracked my eyes open and looked around. Where the hell was I now? I was tired of waking up in weird places. The room was softly lit by a small lamp on a little table. The walls looked fabric, I didn't see a door anywhere.

The last thing I remember was shifting over and over again. The pain was manageable at first, but the more I shifted the more painful it became. I had a few moments of doubt, like a voice in the back of my head telling me to stop, but I figured that was just the pain talking.

I went to push the hair off my face and felt the tug and sting of the IV in my arm. I sighed, I guess I was back in the hospital, but why?

I looked at my wrist watch for the time. 1:06 a.m. it read. That explains why the room was so dimly lot.  I was hungry though, and wanted to get out of here.

I started to pull the blankets off and quickly tucked them back around me. I was completely naked. Why was I naked? How did I get here?

“Hello?” I asked barely above a whisper.

I didn't get any response, so I called a little louder. “Hello?”

Still nothing. Surely someone had to be around if this was a hospital.

“Hey is anyone here?” I almost shouted.

“Hey, keep it down. Trying to sleep here.” a gruff voice answered.

“Sorry.” I said

I heard the other person groan and move around.

Soon the walls of my room moved and a person walked in.  

“Hey, since you woke me up, you can entertain me now. No way I'll fall back asleep now. Pain meds wore off and I'm in too much pain to sleep without them.” He said as he sat in the chair close to my bed.

“Sorry, didn't mean to wake you. I just don't know why I'm here. Or how I got here.”

he groaned and stood up. He walked to the lamp and clicked the button making it glow brighter.

“Well, I don't know why you're here either. I'm Luke, and you are?” He said turning back towards me.

“Calla.” I blinked at the brighter light.

“Transfer from another pack?” He asked sitting back down in the chair with a groan.

“Umm, no. I’m not a transfer. I was never in a pack.” I didn't know what else to say.  

“You a rogue?” He looked disbelieving.

“I don't know what that is. Maybe?” I shrugged.

“How do you not know what a rogue is?”

I thought how to answer and decided on “Well, I'm kind of new to this whole being a wolf thing.”


“Well yeah, new. Like I've only been one for a couple of days.” I said.

He laughed for a second then paused looking at me. “Wait, you serious right now?” He asked looking at me with a frown.

“Yeah, I mean what day is it?” I asked not knowing.

“Sunday. Well I guess it's technically Monday.”

“Well then three days or so new.” I said.

“But that's not possible.” He scratched the side of his head like he was trying to put it all together.

“Don't ask me.  All I know was Tommy bit me, my bite healed in hours, then I turned into a wolf a few days later.”

“You were one hundred percent human?” He sounded like he still didn't believe me.

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