Chapter 32

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I pushed the door open to the clinic and called out for Cole or grandpa.

“What's up Calla?” Cole asked coming from a back room.

“Do wolves get shot very often by hunters?” I asked.

“No, it's not usual, but recently there has been a few.” Cole looked perplexed.

“Nina. She has some plan to start hurting more and more. She's trying to cause the pack to force Alpha Spears out.” I whispered. “What? That's crazy. Why would she do that? Her son is going to take over.”

“Yes, but Tommy would be contested. He is weak and she knows it. She has another son.”

“Yeah, but he's already an Alpha and the other one doesn't want it.” Cole answered like I didn't understand, when he was the one not getting it.

“No, she has another son. One older than the one that's an alpha already. One that doesn't live here.”

“How do you know this?” He asked sitting down on the exam stool.

“I saw a letter she was writing. I couldn't read it all. Just snippets, but I got the general idea.” I needed to get that letter from her desk.

“Have you told anyone else about this?” Cole looked worried.

I shook my head as the door came flying open.

A girl came in holding up a naked guy. An arrow was completely through him from front to back. His chin was resting on his chest. His struggle to stay standing was evident.

“Mate.” Cole growled. Standing slowly.

I thought maybe he should wait for the whole mate thing until the guy was taken care of.

“Dr. Simms, please. My brother.” The girl cried. Cole seemed to snap out of it rushing forward with a frown. He looked from the girl to the guy. He gently lifted the guy into his arms careful to not hit the arrow.

“Follow me Calla. You get to help nurse today.” Cole yelled over his shoulder.

He softly laid the injured man on the bed on his good side. The arrows metal bards towards me.

“I've got you. I'll take care of you. Always.” He brushed the guys long blonde hair away from his face.

Oh, i rocked back on my heels. Ohhhhh! I internally squealed. They were adorable together.

Cole looked up at me, his eyes pained. “Go in that cabinet. Get gauze, antiseptic, syringe, needles. A bag of IV fluid.” He rattled off so many things I lost track.

“Cole, go get what you need. It will be quicker. I'll stay with him.” He looked torn then nodded. I kept my hand on his side above the arrow. I didn't want him trying to roll over and doing more damage.

The guy groaned and I talked to him as calmly as I could.

“Hey, everything is going to be fine. My friend Luke was here a couple days ago with the same thing. He was up and around in no time.”

“Luke? You know Luke Brenham?” the guy panted.

“Yes I know the dragon slayer.” I smiled even though he couldn't see me.

The guy chuckled and groaned. “You must be Calla. He talks about you all the time.” He wheezed out.

“It's all lies!” I said in a fake injured voice.

“Fuck this hurts.” He slipped a hand up his torso.

“Don't touch it. You trying to get your mate to kick my ass?” I laughed.

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