chapter 37

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The ride back was quiet. I don't know what Donovan was thinking, but I had a million thoughts going around my head. Not the least was Donovan and Gabe not sticking up for me against the Alphas. I tried to make it okay in my head, but was getting stuck on it. I would try to concentrate on what Nina could possibly be doing, then go back to them not defending me. Donovan flat out being exasperated with me.

"Why didn't you say anything to defend me against the Alphas?" I finally asked.

Donovan sighed and pulled the truck off the side of the road. "Honestly, I didn't want them near you. I don't want half the wolves that are around you anywhere near you." He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "I want you to myself. When they sent you away, a part of me was happy. If they didn't take the time to get to know you, they wouldn't be close to you. My wolf is threatened by males giving you attention, to the attention you give other males. We are jealous. I'm sorry." He softly said.

"So you think I would mark one of them? Bond with one of them?" I asked.

"It's always a possibility. The strongest wolves attract more girls." He looked out the windshield. "I know, I am not the strongest, or fastest. I've been rejected by my mate for just that reason. I found you on that road and I couldn't help but think maybe you were sent for me. That maybe I could have a happy life with you by my side. Selfish I know." He tapped the steering wheel. "When I found out you could pick your mate, choose any wolf you wanted. I hoped you would pick me. The attraction I feel to you, not just because you're the Sentinel, but the way I feel around you is something I haven't felt towards anyone in a long time. I want to hold you. Protect you. I want you to be mine and only mine. You leaving the bar, to my wolf was a blessing."

I realized then we all had insecurities. His was being overlooked for someone more powerful. Mine was being not wanted. Fate was cruel sometimes. I finally found someone I truly believed wanted me and I knew I couldn't, I wouldn't mark him while the mission was happening.

"Okay." I said pulling his hand from the steering wheel. "I want you to know. You are so special to me. I think there is some special pull you have over me. I can't mark you now. The mission has to be foremost on my mind. But when it's over, maybe we can explore that possibility. Until then, do wolves date?" I smiled at him.

"Really?" He sounded stunned. "You would pick me? Gabe and Derek are much stronger than me. Stone is more powerful." He started to say something else, but I laid a finger over his lips.

"You are handsome, kind, caring. You want me. Not the Sentinel or the power I have from being the Sentinel. Strength, power? Those things mean nothing to me." I tapped his heart. "This is what I need from my chosen. Their heart, their love. I want to know you."

He lifted my hand from his chest and kissed my palm. "You have my heart already. I had to watch you as a human you know. I watched how you were with people. How you acted when you thought no-one was watching. You are so pure, even as a human I was drawn to you. I tried to stay away from you, but I couldn't. That day at the store,I had to touch you. To be near you."

"You have no idea how you made me feel." I smiled thinking of the first time we met.

"I gave you my card so we could get to know each other. You never called. Did you lose it? I can give you a new one, we can go out sometime." He pulled a card from the little pocket on the trucks visor. He extended it to me between two fingers.

I laughed at his card and phone number.

"I think I have your number memorized." I tapped my head.

"Yeah, linking is better." He laughed back. He tucked the card back into the pocket and started the truck. "Let's get back before Derek sends out a search party."

Donovan pulled my hand into his and drove one handed the rest of the way back.

We had barely parked when Derek was at the truck pulling the door open. He snatched me out of the seat and looked me over.

"Are you okay? What took so long?" He asked before pulling me into a hug.

"I'm fine, meeting just went a little longer than expected." My words muffled by his shirt.

His nose sniffed my hair for a second. His body stiffened for a moment. "Who was there?" He croaked.

"Gabe, him." I pointed to Donovan. "Alpha James and Alpha Malcolm and Kass."

"Who's Kass?" He frowned. "He knows who you are?"

I laughed. "Kass knows who I am. She is James' sister."

He visibly relaxed then tensed again. "An alpha's sister?" He paled a little.

"Yeah, she's really cool. She will be by sometime soon. Girl bonding." I winked.

"When?" He looked frazzled. What was going on with him?

"Don't know, she just said soon. Why?" I asked.

"Nothing." He evaded and changed the subject. "Nina has been in her office all day. Nobody in or out. Grandpa is taking a turn watching now so I can eat."

"Great, I'll go catch up with granddad then. Let him know what happened. Donovan can go with you." I skipped away to go find granddad.

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