Chapter 10

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“Jesus Calla, you need to chill out on all the steak you're eating! Have a vegetable or a piece of fruit.” Amelia said as she threw an apple at me.

“I've had fruits and vegetables recently, I've just really wanted meat recently.” I caught the apple and took a bite. “See.” I grinned at her.

“Yeah, but you've had like steak all this week. I wanted pizza tonight.” She pouted looking at the steaks I had waiting to go on the grill.

“Fine, I'll wrap these up and we can call for pizza.” I sighed. Pizza sounded gross, but I guess I could compromise.

“You call for pizza, I'll go shower. I smell like grease and French fries. We can watch some Lucifer when I get out.” She patted my arm on her way through the kitchen.

Ugh, she was right. The smell of grease on her almost made me sick as it wafted off of her in her wake.

I fanned my nose trying to get the smell away. She's worked at that dinner for two years and I've never smelled her that bad before.

I grabbed the plastic wrap to wrap up the steaks. I picked up the first streak, blood dripping from it onto the second steak on the plate.

It looked so good. The marbling of the fat was perfect for the amount of meat. I placed the first one down on the plastic wrap. I picked up the second steak and couldn't help myself. I took a bite. “Oh God.” I moaned. It was delicious. Why did people cook them if they tasted this good raw. I thought maybe if it was just a touch warmer it would have been better, but still, this was great. The flavor was like a drug, I needed more. I took another bite, holding the steak in my hand.

I heard the shower start and Amelia humming.

I looked from the steak to the bathroom door. Amelia would be so disgusted. I knew I had to hurry and eat it before she finished her shower. I tore another piece off and quickly chewed it up. I wrapped the other steak one handed and threw it in the fridge. The whole time taking quick bites from my raw steak.

I ate every bite to the bone. I started to throw the bone away, but decided to chew on it a little first.

I grabbed my cell phone and ordered the pizza. Amelia would be out of the shower any minute.

I chewed and sucked the marrow out of the bone until it was almost in splinters. I wrapped the bone pieces in a paper towel and threw it away. Amelia would definitely freak if she saw me chewing on a bone.

“You call for pizza?” She asked towel drying her hair walking down the hall.  

“Yep, be here in about ten minutes.” I answered washing my hands.

“Cool I'll get us logged into Hulu.”

I could hear her fingernails clicking away at the keys. “You started packing yet?”

Shit, no. I hated packing.

“Umm yeah, what are you bringing?” I never knew how much to take with me. Packing to me always meant all my things, because I wasn't coming back.

“Like just shorts and shirts, bathing suits, every bathing suit I own and sandals.” She answered. “Hey can you grab me a soda?”

“Yeah, sure.” I dried my hands and grabbed us both a mountain dew from the fridge.

I handed her one and settled down on the couch next to her.

“We are going to have so much fun! I love spring break. Hey you should invite Donovan down and his hot ass friends.” She nudged her shoulder into mine.

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