Chapter 9

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The meeting had slid into chaos as soon as the goons from Silver Pines came forward with their request. The idiots didn't purchase their lands, so someone bought a third of their land and had started clearing it to put in almost a whole town. Houses, apartments, stores, even a movie theater. The pack was sabotaging as much as they could, but they started putting security guards and cops on the land.

They wanted Alpha Spears middle son to come look at the documents and see what they could do to get their land back.

“My son is away, at Harvard. He can't just run over to see you.” Alpha Spears tried to reason.

“Ah, but Spring break is soon.” The Alpha from Silver Pines, Marc argued.

“You would owe Bloodrose pack a favor.” The alpha from Blutmond pack, James,  pointed to Marc.

“I'm aware, my pack is aware. I'm willing to make a deal.” Marc spoke calmly, but we all knew he had a short temper and flipped his shit often.

“What do you propose?” Alpha Malcolm from Sterling asked propping his chin up in his hand.

“I could offer a few things, but I think Alpha Spears would rather discuss them in private.” Marc smirked at Spears.

Alpha Spears jaw tightened and the muscle flexed as the two Alphas stared each other down.

Finally Spears looked to the rest of the assembled group. “I'll meet with him privately. If we come to an agreement I'll let you know.”

“Secret deals leads to nothing good! We can't allow secrets to start now.” James glared at Spears.

“My pack’s lawyer, hell he's my son. We don't have to air every little agreement. He could have just come to me without the treaty packs being none the wiser.” Spears glared back at James.

All the Alphas started to yell at once. Nobody was getting heard.

A tall slender woman walked to the middle of the room. She stuck her first finger and thumb into her mouth and let out an ear piercing whistle.

All the yelling stopped. Everyone turned to look at this woman.

“Kass, what are you doing?” James hissed.

“Well, since I can't bottle and sell all the testosterone that was flying around this room I figured it was a waste, so I stopped it.” She shrugged.

I tried not to laugh. I really did.

“Silence Donovan!” Alpha Spears yelled at me. Which only helped me stop a little. These guys took themselves way too seriously most of the time.

“Now, you asked me to observe brother. So I have. Those two could have met in private.” She pointed to Marc and Spears. “You now know they will have some kind of deal in the future. Alpha Spears has been on our border for years, he is the only one of the packs that share a border with Silver Pines. Do you ask Alpha Malcolm what accords he has with his neighbors to the west?”

Alpha James crossed his arms and looked at his sister.

“She has a point.” Alpha Malcolm smirked at the girl.

“Fine!” James huffed and slid his chair back. “Are we done then. I think I need to take my sister home.”

The other alphas agreed and James grabbed his sister by the arm and drug her from the building.

“Wait Donovan, I might need you.” Spears linked me.

I gave a slight nod and waited.

Spears and Marc went to a back office and closed the door.

“What do you think Stone?” I asked our beta.

“That we wait, see what Alpha wants us to do.” Stone didn't look happy, but he never does.

A few minutes later the Alphas emerged from the office shaking hands.

“Donovan, follow them. Stay hidden. I want to know everything they do.” Spears said through the link.

“How long?”  I asked.

“Until I tell you to stop!” he commanded.

“What about the girl? Calla.” I couldn't be two places at once.

“I'll have someone else watch her.” He motioned for Stone to come with him.

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