Chapter 19

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I searched for her forever. Picking up a cold trail in a house full of wolves was difficult, but eventually I ended at Luna Nina’s private space.

I knew she was in there, but the blinds were closed and the door was locked. Nobody was answering when I knocked, but I could hear movement inside.

I knocked again, “Calla! Please open the door! I'm not leaving here until I talk to you!” I yelled at the door.

No answer. I pounded again.

The lock clicked, but the door didn't open. I carefully turned the knob and started to open the door. Something was holding the door from being pushed open.

“Sweet Pea?” I called into the room with no answer.

I pushed the door a little harder and heard whatever was holding the door closed slide along the floor. When I had just enough room I peeked my head around the door. Calla was slumped against the door. My heart stopped.

I pushed gently, but firmly to get the door open enough for me to get in.

“Sweet Pea?” I said as I knelt beside her. She didn't have  a stitch of clothes on, and her body was covered in bruises. She looked wrecked.

“Oh Goddess, Sweet Pea, what happened to you?” I breathed.

I looked around the room. She was alone. How did this happen? I didn't understand? I reached down and picked her up cuddling her to my chest.

She whimpered in pain, her forehead wrinkled as her breath stuttered.

I held her and went to the couch. I laid her down while I searched for something to cover her up with.

I found her clothes. They weren't ripped, but I didn't think I could get them on her.

“Shit!” I punched the wall. I shouldn't have spent so long with Alpha. I wanted to get her out of this room, but I didn't want everyone around seeing her so bruised and beaten.

“Cole, you still in the house?” I linked my friend and medic.

“Yep, what's up?” He answered back.

“Please, come to Nina’s private space. Bring a blanket.” I begged.

“Be right there.”

Seconds later Cole was rushing into the building with a blanket.

“Here, what's going on?” He asked as he closed the door.

I grabbed the blanket. before I could cover her up Cole saw her body.

“What the fuck happened to her?” He went into doctor mode and started checking her pulse.

“I don't know. I found her like this. The door was locked, but she somehow managed to unlock it.” I rubbed my hands through my hair.

“Pick her up, follow me to the clinic.” He was no nonsense.

I covered her up and lifted her to me. Cole held the door and we hustled to the clinic.

He had me lay her on an empty bed and pulled the curtain closed around us.

He quickly started an IV and checked her eyes with his little pen light.

We checked her whole body looking for anything besides bruises. I wasn't happy about Cole seeing her naked and touching her, but I knew he was a doctor and it was necessary.

“I don't see anything.” He muttered. “Have you ever linked with her?” He looked at me.

I shook my head. I never taught her how.

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