chapter 42

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The next day was full of plans and trying to figure out what needed to be done. We knew Kass and Derek had to go to the airport to get info from further north. Gabe had to go claim his place as Alpha of Silver Pines. Somehow in all of this we had to keep an eye on Nina as well.
It was agreed that in light of Gabe becoming Alpha he would need people to go with him to Silver Pines. He didn't want to walk in without backup and tell a bunch of half crazed wolves their leadership had changed. Alpha Malcolm and Alpha James decided to go with Gabe. They figured a show of force behind the new Alpha would be best.
Donovan took Kass and Derek to the airport.
Luke, Nick, Cole, grandpa and I stayed to keep an eye on Nina. It was easier to make it not look like we were watching her and rousing her suspicions by so many of us keeping tabs on her.
Nina had gone into her private room almost an hour ago. Nick and I were sitting on the grass a little ways from there. We could see the door if she left, but it looked like Nick and I were just sitting and talking.
We watched her all day, but she never had visitors or left the room. I hoped that Kass and Derek got more information than we did. It seemed that whatever Nina was planning, she was playing it very quiet and her cards close to her chest.

Nick and I were linked by Gabe a little before dinner. He told us things had gone as best as could be expected when taking over a wild pack. Gabe told us that Marc’s office was a complete mess with papers everywhere, no rhyme or reason to what was actually in file folders and what wasn't. He let us know that he was going to be very busy for a while, but if we really needed him to let him know. He had decided to make Carter his beta so he had at least one person with him he completely trusted.

As our link to Gabe ended a shadow fell over Nick and I. A wolf I would rather not be around standing over us.
“Tommy.” I tried to be polite and not let the pure dislike I had for him into my voice.
“Hey umm. Calla, my mom wants us to go see her. She told me to come let you know.” He slid his hands into the pockets of his tan slacks. He looked uncomfortable talking to me.
“Yeah, okay.” I unfolded my legs and stood up. I didn't know what this was about, but I didn't have a good feeling about it.
“Don't let her see how powerful you are. Dial that shit way back.” Nick linked to me as I looked down at him.
I nodded just a bit to let him know I got the message. “I'll see you in a bit Nick. Cole's probably mad I took so much of your time today anyways.” I smiled at him, then turned to Tommy. “We better not keep her waiting then.”
Tommy slowly nodded then started walking. We were halfway to Nina’s private office when Tommy turned and grabbed my arm.
“Why haven't you come to me yet for money or anything?” He sounded so hostile.
I sighed, “Because Tommy, I didn't need anything. What I did need Donovan took care of. I figured you would appreciate it if I just stayed away from you.”
“No, bullshit. Everyone wants something.” anger radiated from him. His fingers tightening his grip on my arm.
“A, your hurting my arm. B, I've done without before. You don't know me. You don't know the kind of person I am or what I've lived through. C, your mom already made it clear I shouldn't bother you, but I didn't want to anyways.”
He scoffed and let go of my arm. “I don't need her or you deciding things for me.”
“Never said you did. I decided for myself. Honestly Donovan bought me some clothes that's it. I've not needed anything else since I've been here.” I calmly explained. I didn't want to rile him up right before going into see Nina. “Do you know why your mom wants to see us?” I started walking again.
He shook his head. “Probably only she knows.” He muttered.

When we got to the door it opened before Tommy could reach for the knob. I saw his jaw clench just a tiny bit when he looked at his mother holding the door open.
“About time son.” She opened the door just wide enough for us to slide in before closing it and clicking the lock.
Tommy moved quickly across the room and sat down on the couch. “What did you need Mother?” He asked.
Nina ran her fingers through her hair and then looked at me. She pointed to the couch next to Tommy. “Sit Calla. This is going to take some time.”
She walked to a chair and pulled it closer to the couch. I sat down on the other end of the couch from Tommy.
“Tommy.” She started. “I think I was wrong.”
Tommy looked shocked to hear the words she said. “I think you should get to know Calla. Take her out. Maybe a nice dinner out in town.” the sugar niceness in her voice made me want to gag.
I looked to Tommy and he appeared frozen. “I don't think that's really necessary.” I tried to get out of going anywhere with Tommy.
“Nonsense! I decide what is and isn't necessary in this pack and I say you two will go out.”  Her voice turning from sugar to heated.
“Mom, really? I think maybe Calla is right it's not necessary for us to go anywhere together.” Tommy said.
Nina stood from her chair and bent over into Tommy's face. “I said.” She bit out, “You two will go out to town and have dinner. Do NOT test me son.” I could feel the threat in the air between them.
Tommy sat back and crossed his arms over his chest. I think he was trying to look cool and collected, but to me he just seemed scared. “Fine.” He muttered.
“As I expected. So spineless.” Nina glared at her son before turning her eyes to me. “You'll go. No arguing.”
“Yes Luna.” I bowed my head and bit my tongue to keep from telling her to go to hell.
“Tommy you can go. You'll pick Calla up from her room in an hour.” She ordered as she sat back into her chair. “Wear something nice. Take her somewhere with tablecloths.”
“Yes mother.” Tommy sighed and gave me a sad apologetic look before leaving the room.
“Now, Calla. Tommy isn't the brightest or smartest, so make sure he stays out of trouble.” Her fingernails drummed into the arm of the chair.
I was baffled. Usually she asks when I'm leaving. But now it sounded like she wanted me to date her son. “Nina, don't you want to know when I'm leaving?” I asked.
“Irrelevant. You seem to not be leaving anytime soon. So I guess I'll just have to get used to seeing your useless self around. If your going to be here you might as well be with the other useless wolves. You take up too much time with productive members of the pack. Since you got here Donovan isn't filling the freezer with meat like he's supposed to. Cole is always doctoring you instead of tending to more valuable patients. You are a hindrance to the pack.” She looked me up and down and rolled her eyes. “You really are just a waste of resources.”
I bit my tongue so hard I tasted blood. I knew though that I couldn't say anything to her. Not yet anyways. I just nodded. “You are correct.” I whispered. “I just am not used to the whole wolf thing yet.” I bowed my head, hoping she thought it was in submission.
“You may go now. Like I said, dress nice. You do have something appropriate to wear on a date don't you? Or do I need to arrange that for you too?”
I wanted to scream at her that I didn't need anything from her. I just shook my head. “I have something I think will do.” I sighed and made my way to the door.

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