Coffee and Vanilla

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"Well, there you are." Phil looked up from his book to greet Dan. "Did you enjoy your shower Baby?"

"I did, thank you." Dan fumbled with the hem of his shorts. "It's so nice to have so much room and so much privacy."

"Ahh yes, the dormitory showers. I remember actually feeling dirtier after using them." Phil shivered and squeezed his eyes shut, recoiling at the memory.

Dan laughed. He hated the dark, slimy, shower walls and the constant feeling of exposure. He actually refused to enter without wearing flip flops, one of the many things that he left behind. He shuddered thinking about it.

"Never again will you have to shower with others...unless you want to." Phil grinned nervously.

Dan's eyes widened with surprise. He managed a smile and a giggle. Phil looked so incredibly sexy sitting up against the headboard like that. His boldness was even sexier.

Phil was flirting with him, and Dan wondered if it would be appropriate to flirt back. He wanted to so badly. The playful look in Phil's eyes was permission of sorts. "Is that an invitation Daddy?"

Phil bit his lower lip and smiled with the left side of his mouth. "Perhaps." He pat the bed, indicating that he wanted Dan to sit next to him.

"I would like that Daddy, very much." Dan slipped his legs under the sheets and pulled them up to his lower abdomen. Phil closed his book with a thud and returned it to his nightside table. He turned to look at the beautiful boy beside him.

"Daniel, may I kiss you?"

Dan's heart thumped in his chest. He blinked rapidly and opened his mouth to respond, but nothing came out. Phil sat up a bit, and removed his glasses. Dan nodded and licked his lips.

This was it. Dan was about to kiss his daddy. He thought about this moment so many times. The last thing that he saw before he closed his eyes was Phil's soft cheek moving closer. His scent was comforting and exciting. This was Phil. Oh God.

Dan felt himself slip away the moment before their lips actually met for the first time. There was an actual vibration between them, and a pull that felt like magnetism. It was a strange contrast to the softness of the actual kiss. Their lips connected gently, completely. They stayed together for several moments before Phil peeled away and did it again, and again. Dan sighed lightly through his nose, and his breath tickled Phil's face.

They didn't giggle or speak. They just looked into each other's eyes until Phil leaned in to kiss his baby again.

* * *

They had fallen asleep as they had the night before, Phil spooning his baby boy. Dan smiled to himself in the darkness. Kissing Phil had been even better than he had hoped. It had been torture to stop there; Phil, with closed eyes and a dream-like quality to his voice, said that they 'should be off to sleep.' He turned out the light and curved his long body around Dan's, his hips pulled back out of respect. They had only kissed, and though they had agreed upon a sexual relationship, Phil was in charge of their pace.

Dan wondered if his daddy could feel his heart pounding. He was a bit hard in his pants, and Dan was thankful that he was the little spoon. He imagined Phil behind him, also replaying the kisses in his mind.

His daddy tasted delicious, his lips smooth and skilled. He could tell by the way Phil hummed that his daddy felt equally pleased with the feeling of his baby.

Dan lay awake, wondering when they might kiss again. Phil wanted to see if there were sparks between them, and though they both knew that there were, the kisses had confirmed that there were not only sparks, but full-blown chemistry and unspeakable desire.

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