Peaches and Cream

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Author's Note: This chapter makes reference to the 2018 film, "Call Me By Your Name." If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. One scene is described here, as well as the general story, so please read with this in mind. Enjoy!
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Phil raised his hand and rubbed the soft, fuzzy, skin of the peach on Dan's cheek. It was unbelievably erotic.

Dan sighed and his eyelids fluttered. "Daddy," he whispered. It was an appropriate reaction to such a sensual gesture. Phil seemed pleased.

"Baby," he responded in the same, breathy, whisper.

They stood in the hallway for a moment in complete silence. Dan wanted to move, but he felt so heavy.

"Follow me." Phil spoke in a low, deep voice. He opened the door to his bedroom and lifted his chin. "Make yourself comfortable. I'll just be a minute." Phil disappeared behind the sliding door to his bathroom.

Dan's heart pounded. Phil, or maybe housekeeping, had changed the sheets. He winced at the memory, though he could feel a new erection forming against the soft material of his shorts.

There were fresh flowers on Dan's bedside table. They were incredibly fragrant and in full bloom. Dan smiled, cupping several blossoms in his hand. He sighed with delight. No one had ever given him fresh flowers before. Phil made sure to have them at every meal, and now at his bedside.

He wasn't sure if he should keep the robe or lose it. They would be watching the film in bed, and Phil did say that be should make himself comfortable, so he stood and slipped it off. He wrapped it around the bedpost carefully.

The new sheets were just like the others - silky and luxurious. These were a silvery-white color. Dan slipped between the top and bottom sheets, making note of the way it felt against his bare, sensitive skin.

Just as he pulled them up to his navel, Phil opened the bathroom door. He looked absolutely intoxicating.

"Daddy," Dan gasped.

Phil only grinned, tugging at his own bottom lip as he admired Dan in his bed. Phil smiled softly and placed two, tall, champagne flutes on his bedside table. Dan immediately recognized the dark bottle of alcohol behind them as being the finest champagne in all of England.

Phil looked incredible. Dan had never seen so much of his daddy's skin before. He had pushed his dark hair back from his forehead, and it stood up sexily. He wore his glasses and little else. The black silk boxers appeared to be exactly like Dan's navy ones. In his hand, Phil held a single peach. It appeared to be the very same one that he rubbed against Dan's cheek in the hallway. He watched as his daddy kissed the soft skin of the fruit and placed it on his table before slipping in bed beside him.

"Daddy." Dan repeated. He wanted to move closer, but he waited patiently for an invitation that never came.

"Baby Boy." Phil replied. He smirked and then smiled, cupping the boy's cheek in his hand. "You look so beautiful. Do you feel beautiful?"

"Yes Daddy." Dan nodded. He felt absolutely gorgeous. Phil had a way of making him feel like the only man in the world.

"Good." Phil released Dan's cheek and reached for the remote. "Daniel, this film is important. I want you to appreciate the amount of work that went in to this. The cinematography is exquisite."

Dan loved to hear Phil discuss film period. His face would light up and he could almost feel the excitement in his own belly. "Yes Daddy, I understand."

"It's set in Italy. I want to film in Italy someday. Who knows, maybe you will come with me and learn a thing or two, yeah?" Phil winked.

Dan gripped a fistful of pillow. He nodded and smiled. It was so hard to look at Phil when he felt so strongly. He needed to touch him, and he needed to be touched.

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