Coming Undone

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They sat together, in the desk chair. Dan's long, bare legs were draped over the left arm, and his feet, heavy with the weight of Alexander McQueen boots, nearly touched the floor. Phil's right arm circled Dan's waist, and his left draped across his thighs, holding his pretty purple skirt in place. Dan lay against his chest, his head tucked under Phil's chin.

Phil stopped rocking ten minutes ago; they sat in comfortable silence now. Dan liked the way that Phil held him against his chest.

A decision had been made. Phil had taken a risk by saying the words "relationship" and "forever." It wasn't an accident, nor was it impulsive; Phil wanted to put it in to the air. He held Dan now out of relief and exhaustion.

The sound of ripping paper still echoed in his mind. The agreement was, for all intents and purposes, void. What remained was so much stronger. It was viable; it was beyond pen and paper. It was real, and it was right in front of them.

This was a relationship.

Dan lay his right hand over Phil's chest, the long sleeves of his lilac jumper pulled down over his knuckles. He pawed sweetly at his lover's shirt and pressed gently into Phil's shoulder with his head.

The desire to be with Dan now was overwhelming. Phil wanted to make love to him right where they sat. He wanted to love him so throughly, so completely, that Dan would never forget the moment that they freed themselves.

"Daniel," Phil spoke softly. "Most people turn to paper when they commit to each other, and here we've committed by abandoning it." Phil stroked Dan's cheek and chuckled gently.

Dan hadn't considered the irony. He giggled too, pushing back into Phil's palm, rubbing his face sweetly against him. "I guess we have, haven't we? Feels so right."

Dan felt Phil's fingertips under his chin. With a gentle tip of the head, Phil kissed him. There was such relief; both men were absolutely certain of the path ahead of them. It felt so good to know for sure.

The kiss lingered, their lips stayed connected but unmoving. For now, breathing the very same air felt like enough.

"Phil?" Dan finally whispered against him. "Can I still call you Daddy?"

Phil moaned lightly into Dan's open mouth. "I'll always be your Daddy."

They kissed again, and it heated up rather quickly. Phil's hands started to move over Dan's skirt, squeezing hotly at his hips and thighs.

"Mnph, Phil." Dan stretched his long neck, exposing his sensitive skin to his lover's mouth. Dan squeezed Phil's shoulders and trailed his hands downward to slip around the man's narrow waist.

"I want you Daniel. I want you right here, just like this." Phil spoke firmly into his baby's neck between kisses. Dan sighed and fell limp in his arms.

"Yes, God yes Phil." Dan flailed shamelessly, his cock already hard under his little skirt. He squirmed and lifted his hips.

Phil hummed approvingly, his kisses becoming ever more passionate. There was no way that they were going to make it to the bedroom. Things were moving too quickly, and Phil loved it.

"Baby, I love you so much." Phil's kisses were everywhere now, and Dan tugged at his clothing, desperate to bring their bare skin together.

"I love you Phil." Dan kissed upward, chasing Phil's moving mouth. He crawled backward and lifted himself on top of the desk, right over the shreds of paper. Phil moaned and moved to remove his jeans as quickly as possible. He watched as Dan lifted his sweet hips into the air and gripped the edge of the desk.

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