A Perfect Fit

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Dan had only seen Phil go behind the mirror once before. He couldn't imagine what he would be doing back there, what he could have possibly forgotten.

Phil moved swiftly, never speaking or looking over his shoulder. He seemed to know exactly what he was after.

Dan stood, holding the garment bags between his fingers, blinking with curiosity.

It never occurred to Phil that Dan may ask questions. He replaced the mirror without incident and turned around slowly to face his partner.

Dan looked so very young standing there next to the bed. His face was smooth and golden, his cheeks blush and healthy. His eyes were large and round and dark. His pink lips barely touched one another. Phil thought that he saw them move; perhaps, he too, gasped.

"Daniel?" Phil's voice did not sound like his own. It sounded entirely too high and far away.

Dan just stood, completely unmoving but for his fingers. The bags were quite heavy and awkward to hold. The hangers seemed to slip right out of his hands. He nodded softly, as if incapable of anything else.

The bags fell to the bed, and several slid to the floor.

"Daniel," Phil repeated. He ignored the garment bags entirely, walking toward Dan. He took his left hand, which felt cool and foreign, inside of his own warm hand. Never looking away from Dan, Phil got down on his right knee.

"Daniel," he began again,"We once had a very important conversation about vulnerability and regret, right here in this room. Do you remember Darling?" Phil smiled. Dan said 'yes' with his eyes, but he was far too surprised to speak. "And in the last year, you've taught me that there is nothing scary about being vulnerable with the right person and that regret is the most terrifying thing in the world. I promised myself that there would be no more regrets in my life, and Dan?" Phil paused. Dan looked positively beautiful. His lips trembled and his eyes filled with tears: Phil was proposing.

"Phil?" Dan squeaked. He smiled and bent down to meet his partner on his own knees. The garment bags crinkled beneath him.

"Yes Daniel," Phil smiled. "I'm really doing this now."

Dan's breathing started to pick up and his chest heaved under his shirt. He kept blinking away tears so that he could see his lover's perfect face, though it was becoming harder and harder to do.

"Daniel, I know that you're young, and I know that we have talked about this, but my God, I will regret it for the rest of my life if I don't ask you right here, right now. I can't imagine waiting another day to make you my forever. I love you more than anything, and I need you in my life as my husband. Marry me Daniel. Please say that you will."

Phil looked surprised, like he couldn't believe how easy it was to ask. He trembled with joy and anticipation. Dan, who was truly sobbing, gripped Phil's hands with both of his own. He pulled them to his lips and spoke softly against his fingertips.

"I will, I will. Yes Phil. Yes." Dan kissed his knuckles all over and pressed his wet cheek against them. He looked up into Phil's eyes, which were also blurred with hot tears. "Yes."

Phil pulled Dan into his lap and kissed his face, his hands, and finally his lips. He pressed their cheeks together so that the tears that ran between them were indecipherable.

"I love you Daniel. I love you so much," Phil repeated in a strange voice as he kissed his lover's stained cheeks.

"I love you Phil," Dan cried and whispered against him. He never expected this. Phil had truly taken him by surprise. Phil looked so young and completely exposed on the floor like this. He wasn't 'Daddy'; he was Phil, and he wanted to marry Dan.

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