Celebrating Daddy

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Dan had taken a special interest in baking. He taught himself how to bake croissants, and today he would surprise Phil with breakfast in bed.

It was Phil's turn to feel special. He was always pampering Dan in one way or another; he was consistently treating him to spa days, shopping trips, bubble baths, fancy meals, mini breaks, and of course, fresh-cut flowers. Rarely, if ever, did Dan have the opportunity to surprise his partner.

He slipped out of Phil's four-post bed at 7:00 am, replacing his body with a pillow. It would be a real challenge to bake quietly without rousing his lover; Phil was an incredibly light sleeper indeed.

Dan loved the way that the pastry dough felt between his fingers. He floured the marble countertop and rolled out the dough into a thin sheet, just as he had learned.

As he worked, Dan thought about how much he loved waking up next to Phil. He smiled looking at his titanium promise ring. They would wake up to each other for the rest of their days.

He was too young to seriously consider marriage, according to society and even Phil himself. It would come, he said. Dan didn't know exactly what it meant to be married, but he did like the way that commitment felt. If this was marriage, then he looked forward to it. The word sounded nice in Phil's mouth, and it surprised Dan to hear him use it from time to time.

Dan cut the dough into triangular strips with a wheeled cutter. He wondered how much Phil had told his parents about their relationship. Did they approve of their living arrangement? Would they like him? Would they know that he loved Phil for who he was and not what he had? Did they understand that this was serious?

They would be in for a visit in one week, and his mum in another three. Dan had given little explanation other than that he was safe, well, and incredibly happy. His mum insisted on an earlier visit, but Dan was able to hold her off. He didn't want both sets of parents visiting at the same time.

He washed the fresh berries while the croissants baked. It hadn't occurred to Dan that his daddy may be awakened by the warm, buttery, aroma. Most likely he would roll over wanting to kiss his young lover good morning and find him gone.

He imagined Phil in bed alone as he hulled the ruby-red strawberries. He decided that he was probably warm, sleepy, and unbelievably sexy in his morning nakedness. Phil often woke with the desire to make love, and Dan nibbled his lip thinking about it. Sometimes he would feel his daddy's enormous erection against his soft, warm bottom or up against his own. They would moan softly and slide their hands over each other's freshly-slept skin, offering gentle caresses and sometimes desperate holds. They would have entire conversations without ever opening their mouths or their eyes.

Dan felt himself growing inside of his luxurious sleep pants. He pushed his body up against the counter and sighed. He couldn't seem to go an hour without thinking of their ways.

The sleep pants had been part of an anniversary gift. 'Happy six months Daniel,' Phil grinned as he watched his baby open the gift box. There were two pair in the box, which had been professionally wrapped.

"You like them Sweetheart?" Phil wrapped his arms around Dan's waist from behind.

"Yes, they're incredible. Thank you Daddy," Dan held a pair up by the waist. They were unbelievably soft and extremely well made.

"Look at the left hip Darling," Phil whispered in his ear. Dan brought the pants closer to his face. There, on the left hip, was a tiny, simply-monogrammed "D."

"Look at that!" Dan smiled and traced the letter with his forefinger.

"And the other pair?" Phil kissed his baby's long neck. They sat up in bed surrounded by soft pink tissue paper and ribbon. Dan held up the second pair of sleep pants and found a matching "P" on the right hip. He smiled broadly and giggled sweetly.

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