Pretty for You

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Phil allowed his calls to go to voicemail; his emails accumulated in his inbox, and his phone continued to vibrate in his bedside drawer. Nothing was more important than his baby.

They had only been together twice, and had only fully confessed their feelings yesterday, yet, the two men felt deeply connected and positively inseparable. For the first time in his career, Phil couldn't imagine leaving his bed for work.

"I don't want to leave you." Phil whispered as he stroked Dan's bare back with his fingertips. He had been holding him closely, face to his chest, for almost an hour. Dan slipped in and out of sleep, his body soft and pliant in his lover's grip.

Phil kissed Dan's head and groaned softly. His phone buzzed inside the wooden drawer, reminding him that his crew should not be left waiting. People depended on him to make major decisions and would not move forward without his approval. His current film was in the earliest stages of pre-production. The budget was loftier than his previous three films combined. There would be a substantial amount of travel for on-location work to preserve the story's authenticity. The project began five months ago, long before Phil had taken on Dan as his sugar baby.

This particular film would take Phil all over Europe, from Vienna, Austria, to Genoa, Italy, to Crete, and even into the Mediterranean Sea. Things with Dan had progressed so quickly, that Phil hadn't had the time to discuss his work with him. Phil felt sadness where he would have normally felt excitement.

"Daniel," Phil spoke softly into his curls. "I have meetings today, but I want to have dinner tonight. I'll send a car." He held Dan a little closer and trailed his fingertips down his spine, stopping at the shallow dip that gave way to the mounds of his bottom.

"Mmmm." Dan moaned lightly in response. His nose was buried in the tuft of chest hair that held Phil's natural scent. Phil could feel Dan's arms tighten around his waist.

"Actually, I may send you along to pick up some undergarments. Would you like that? Some shopping?"

Dan reluctantly pulled his face from Phil's chest. He smiled and nodded. "Thank you. I would love that. I wish you could come too." Dan pouted.

"I know. Me too. But this way, you can have a little time to yourself. I think that's important. Besides, there is something we need to discuss at dinner; we're going to be spending a lot of time together. Everyone needs to clear their head. Yeah?" Phil winked.

Dan nodded. He supposed that Phil was right. An introvert, Dan received bursts of energy from time spent alone. He had always been this way, despite his family's desperation to push him toward

"I'll miss your lips on mine." Phil spoke gently. He closed his eyes and kissed Dan softly.

"Me much." Dan clutched the sheets to his waist.

"Let's have breakfast together before I leave. Better yet, we can leave together; I'll have my driver take you into the city." Phil pat Dan's bottom in a loving way and smiled. In his mind, he was already counting the hours until they lay with each other again.

                      * * *
"I transferred shopping money into your account. Here's some cash as well. Treat yourself," Phil smiled warmly. "Don't fuss over money, promise?"

Dan nodded. "Okay Daddy; I promise. Thank you. I still wish we could spend the day together."
Dan slipped his hand inside of Phil's.

"So do I, believe me." Phil smiled sadly and pressed his forehead to Dan's. "I've asked the driver to take care of you. He will take you anywhere and manage your packages. Our dinner reservations are for 6:00 pm at Umu in Mayfair. It is the finest Japanese restaurant in all of London; I promise you'll love it. I've added it to your calendar and set a reminder for you. I can't wait to see you." Phil looked into Dan's eyes and grinned. He zipped his case and kissed Dan's cheek as the car slowed.

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