Chapter Twelve

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Taehyungs POV

"Thanks for saving me" Jimin said as he sat up and hugged Moa. Moa hugged him back. I looked at Jungkook, I could literally see the anger in his eyes.

Moa pulled away from Jimin and walked over to Jungkook.

Moa's POV

I pulled away from the hug and smiled at Jimin. I stood up and turned around to where Jungkook was standing. He seemed kind of... Angry somehow, I've never seen him angry.

"hey baby whats wrong" I said to Jungkook as I lifted his chin up to see me. "Nothing" he mumbled. "it's something" I said to him. "baby, tell me" I whispered. "it's just it-it's" He stuttered. "it's about Jimin?" I said as I grabbed his hand and started to walk away, to take a walk on the beach. "yea it's about the Jimin thing " he said as we continued to walk. I stopped and and walked over to stand in front of him.

I putted my hands around his neck. He still looked down, I took my hand and lifted up his chin. "the kiss, it was just to save him it didn't mean anything" he putted his hands on my hips. "You shouldn't have to be jealous, if anyone should be jealous it's Jimin." I said to Jungkook, and looked into those beautiful chocolate brown eyes. "I know I'm sorry" He said.

He moved a little closer to me. "You don't have to be sorry, I should be s-
He didn't let me finish. He lips pressed against mine, his lips were soft and they fitted perfectly in with mine.

We both slowly pulled away, I had my forehead on his we both stood there and just smiled. I heard someone applauding I turned around i saw everyone even Johanna was standing there clapping their hands. I turned around to face Jungkook again, I buried my face in his chest.

"aww is my baby embarrassed" he giggled. As my face was buried in his chest I wrapped my arms around him. He did the same, we stood there hugging for about two minute's.

I pulled back from the hug. "You still mad about the Jimin thing?" I said to Kookie. "No, you still embarrassed by the kiss thing?" He asked me. "No" I answered quickly. "then let's go back to them." I nodded and we started walking back to them (bts and Johanna).

We walked back hand in hand but when we came back Johanna and Tae were gone. "Where's Tae and Jo?" I asked when we came back. "They're probably somewhere making out" Hoseok added. We all laughed at it.

We all just sat at the beach and talked about random stuff. Then Johanna and Tae came back. "ohhhhhhh" everyone said. (except tae and jo obvi lol). But Tae was carrying Jo, he seemed worried. He layed Johanna on the bench that was on the beach. "Help" he said. "I quickly ran to her. So did the other guys.

" what did you do?! "I yelled at Taehyung." nothing we were there back, and ummm we was kissing, then she just collapsed into my arms." Tae said blushing then he started to be teary."Oh, okay" i said thinking.

"did you have your hand on her neck?" I asked Tae. "ummmm" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Kim Taehyung just answer me!" I said to him. "y-yes, yes I did." He replied. "Okay then I now what happened" I said to him. "okay everyone need to help now, except you Taehyung" I said.

"why not me! I'm her boyfriend!"he yelled at me."Calm down tae, it's just that I don't want Jo to be hurt okay" I said to him. "How could I possibly hurt her?" He asked. "Just please Tae back up, for Johanna please" I said to him. "ok-okay" he said and backed up.

"Yoongi you and hobi grab each feet, Jimin and Jungkook grab her arms, and Jin, you and me hold under her back." I said. "and you Namjoon hold her head up."

Everybody did what I told them to do. "okay now lift her up, we're going to have to walk to the water" we lifted her up and walked towards the water.
"Now put her under the water" I said. "WHAT!?" They all replied in sync.

"Just do what I tell you, I promise this will not kill her" they nodded and putted her in the water. I counted to ten. "One, Two, Three...
After ten seconds we lifted her out of the water.

"okay now lay her down in the sand."
They layed her down in the sand. "Jungkook make sure Taehyung doesn't see this" I said to him, he nodded and ran fast as a car to Taehyung and led him away.

Hmm who should I pick I thought then I remembered RM likes Jo. "Okay, Namjoon you do mouth to mouth to her" I said.
"Wh-what?" he stuttered. "You heard what I said now do it before she dies" I said.

Namjoon nodded he sat on his knees I could hear he gulped. Then he leaned forward to "kiss" her. He did then he pulled away.

Johanna woke up in a kick and she gulped for air. She was coughing, I made a sign to Jungkook to come with Taehyung. They both quickly ran to us. She was still laying in the sand and coughing a little bit.

I did a "shh" sign to Namjoon and pointed at Taehyung. He nodded he probably understood what I was talking about. I actually kind of felt bad for Namjoon.

To be continued

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