12. Love is in the Air❤

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"SURPRISEEE!!!" Someone yelled from behind making them yank apart.

"Navyaaa..." Nandini exclaimed proceeding to hug her.

"Oops! I guess wrong timing." Navya said pulling back.

"Shut up." Nandini replied.

"Hello jiju." Navya said giving him a side hug.

"You are late madam." Manik said.

"I know and sorry for that. You know how Mumbai's traffic is." Navya replied.

"Manik you knew Navya was coming here?"

"Of course jiju knew. It was his plan after all." Navya replied on his behalf.

"Plan? What kind of plan?"

"Well jiju wanted to surprise you through me. He knew you were missing me and mom-dad. Mom dad couldn't come but I did." Navya said whilst Manik should there smiling at her.

"Thank you so much Manik." Nandini said. Nandini felt so overwhelmed that she hugged him. For a moment they felt as if only they existed in the world. The rest of the world seemed surreal. Manik's hands involuntarily wrapped around her securely pulling her closer to him. Their eyes were shut and all they did was feel the other.

"Ahem ahem!" Navya faked a cough bringing them back to present. Both of them felt embaressed in front of Navya.

"Mommy...I want milkshake..." Pari said descending downstairs.

"Hey Pari.." Navya said. Pari stared at her for a moment. She failed to recognize her.

"Hmm...So you didn't recognize me?" Navya asked to which Pari nodded a yes.

"Okay then. Let's begin from the start. Hello Pari, I am Navya, your mommy's sister and your maasi."

After a moment Pari pecked her cheek and said "Hi maasi. You look cute." At this moment Navya looked at Nandini with an amazed expression to which Nandini just smiled.

"Mommy make milkshake for maasi also. Maasi you come with me." Saying this Pari caught her hand and took her along with her.

After a while Nandini arrived Pari's room with milkshakes. She found Navya and Pari gelled along perfectly. They were a perfect company for each other. She smiles at her two kids. Putting her thoughts aside, she said "Pari and Navya here you go with your milkshakes."

"Pari sweety you go and play with the toys maasi needs to talk to your mommy."


"Di, what was going on between you and jiju when I entered?"

"Wh...What do you mean?" Nandini pretended to be unknowm but she knew at what Navya was hinting.

"Aha! Trying to pretend in front of me? Bad idea my dear elder sista."

"Shut up Navya." Nandini said trying to hide her blush.

"Ooo! Blushing and all, baat itni aage badh gai haan...nice...by the way you and jiju looked like a passionate jodi of some hit movie." , Navya said winking at here, whilst a wave of red flushed her cheeks.

"Enough Navya." Nandini said turning into crimson shade whilst Navya giggled at this.

"Okay I'll stop. But you have to admit one thing. Jiju looks so sexy." Navya said faking to drool over him.

"He is your jiju. Stop drooling over him." Nandini said trying to sound normal.

"Why? Are you jealous?" She questioned.

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