30. Assurance

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Nandini herself couldn't understand the reason behind her tears. She sat on her bed sobbing.

Why am I crying? Why do I feel as if Manik chose Nidhi over me? I know I shouldn't be comparing but I can't help it. I know Nidhi is his first love and he has all the right to choose her, but am I not important to him even a bit? It's my first birthday with him. I've never been this excited for my birthday ever; not even when Karan was alive. But with Manik I cannot help but feel excited. Manik makes me experience new feelings. I really wanted to spend my day with him...just us both alone. But knowing that it's Nidhi's death anniversary there's no scope for that. Hell, I know it is wrong to even think about happy celebrations of someone's death anniversary but then I can't help. I know it's wrong to be jealous of a person who is dead, but then it's not in my control. It's not wrong to wish for your husband's undue attention, isn't it?

"It's not at all wrong to wish for your husband's undue attention." Manik replied standing at the entrance of the room. It was then Nandini realized that she vent out her feelings verbally. She quickly wiped away her tears. Manik approached her and knelt in front of her. He caressed her tear stricken face. All this while Nandini had her eyes lowered.

"Nandini look at me." Manik said in a concerned yet authoritative tone. After getting no response from her he lifted her face up such that her eyes were directly faced at his.

"I hate it when you cry. I know I've promised to make your birthday special and I'm not going back off on it. I'm a man of my words Nandini. And trust me, I will set everything right."

"I trust you Manik but it's...it's something that I never imagined about. I mean it never crossed my mind that you might be performing some pooja on Nidhi's death anniversary. I don't know how to explain my feelings...I...you don't have to keep up your promise...it's wrong to celebrate happiness on someone's one death day..." He cut her rambling by kissing her tenderly yet passionately. It was a kiss dripping with love and affection. It was a kiss promising happiness. It was a kiss emoting his feelings.

"When you and I are together nothing can go wrong. Everything is right. We make things right." He said, staring deep into her eyes.

Anita, Nidhi's mother who came to talk to Nandini was actually touched on seeing Manik and Nandini's love for each other. She came there to apologize to Nandini for her rude behaviour. Her husband advised her to do so. He made her realize that venting out her anger on Nandini is just useless 'cause she's not the one at fault. In fact, they should be grateful to Nandini for giving their grand daughter a mother's love. Anita realized that Nandini is not the one to be blamed. She just wanted to apologize and conduct a small test to know whether she's perfect for Manik and Pari or not. Little did she know that it was useless to conduct this. On her way to Manik and Nandini's room, she met Pari. And after talking to that innocent child Anita was surprised on knowing that Nandini treated Pari as her own child. She felt guilty for misjudging Nandini. Though she felt embarrassed for witnessing their private moment, but their concern and care for each other washed away all her misconceptions. She was glad that Nandini was the one who stepped into her daughter's shoes.

Breaking out of her trance she knocked on the door disturbing the couple's moment. "Can I come in?"

"Maa you don't need to ask permission." Manik said.

Nandini quickly wiped the tear stains on her cheeks. "Can I talk to Nandini for a moment, alone?" She requested.

"Uh, sure. I'll be downstairs. Call me if you need something." Manik said with an unsure look on his face. Nandini squeezed his hand assuring him that she'll be fine.

"Come sit with me Nandini." Nandini did as she was told.

"You know Nandini the moment I saw you with Manik my heart burned. I was always used to see Nidhi and Manik together and seeing you replace her made me realize that my daughter is no longer alive. All these years I've never realized that my daughter is actually gone. Because there was no other woman in Manik's life. But today my heart swelled so much seeing that Manik was happy with someone else. Only a mother knows how much it pains to see her daughter being replaced by someone else. I'm sorry for behaving so rude with you."

"No aunty, your getting it all wrong. I have no intentions of replacing Nidhi. I don't think I can ever replace her. And please don't apologize, All I'm trying is to make a separate place in everyone's heart for me."

"You have all my blessings dear. From what I've heard you are making a great mother to Pari something that maybe my own child might not be able to do. There's one more thing that I want to admit. Though you make me realize that my daughter is no longer alive you also remind me of how my daughter used to be. It's not that I've forgotten her. You make her memories refreshing."

"I'm glad I remind you of Nidhi." Nandini said with a small smile. Anita surprised Nandini by hugging her and kissing her forehead.

"God bless you, dear." Saying this she left, leaving behind a contended Nandini. Moments later, Manik appeared in the room. He was quite tensed about the duo having a conversation, but seeing a faint smile on Nandini's face he guessed everything went well.

"What did you guys talk about?" He questioned while wrapping his arms around her waist and placing his head on her shoulder.

"Nothing much, just a little heart-to-heart talk, I guess."

"Okay. I'm glad Nidhi's mom has accepted you finally. She did right?"

"Yes she did." Nandini replied as she turned around and sealed his lips with a kiss.


Apologies for so short part! I'm having a terrible headache, but have already promised someone for the update so it was needed!

About Manjha, I've finally decided what I need to write, so now it's just I need to type it down, Thursday tak pakka!

Will meet you tomorrow on Humsafar!

Tata, Good night! 💕

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