13. Confusion all over!

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They reached one of the finest restaurant's in the town. After making themselves comfortable, they ordered their food. While they were waiting Navya caught their attention and spoke.

"Di, jiju I'm going to ask you guys a question, reply honestly."

"Okay." Both of them replied.

"What opinion did you form about each other when you guys first saw each other?" Navya questioned.

This question of hers definitely startled them. They were unsure whether to answer it or not as the answers might ruin their friendship.

"Di you start first."

"Uh...I...I felt Manik was a...ummm...u know a stern and hard nut to crack types." Nandini replied bitting her lower lip, lowering her eyes, whilst Manik had an expressionless face.

Konse angle se me isse stern laga, like seriously!! Uhm.. but honestly I behaved like a jerk only, at our first meeting
*sheepishly scratching his forehead*

"Interesting...what about you jiju?"

"Errr...the way Nandini spoke to her parents that day, I thought she's a woman with lots of attitude and rudeness." He too replied biting his lower lip whilst Nandini looked down. Their first impression about each other was highly incorrect and negetive.

"Ahaan...So both you felt alike about each other. But there's a good thing hidden in this which you guys have failed to recognize."

"Navya how can this be a good thing?" Nandini questioned.

"Of course it is di. The first impression that you guys made about each other clearly states that both of yours thinking procedures are similar. In short you guys share almost the same thoughts which is a strong indication of something new to begin."

This statement of Navya puzzled them alot. Seeing them stress their minds, Navya said "Di, jiju stop stressing and enjoy your meal."

Navya purposely spoke these things. She wanted them to think about their relation. Their relation can develop into a lot more than something termed friendship. She was curious to know whether Nandini still reminiscences Karan or not.


It was past ten in the night. It was surely a hectic day for Manik, Nandini, Navya and Pari. On Pari's insistance they headed to the amusement park after lunch. Spending the rest of the day there, they returned home late in the evening. Nandini was in Pari's room, putting her to bed. Navya was walking in the corridor when Manik caught her attention. She quietly stood at the entrance and observed his actions. He was standing in front of Nidhi's photo and talking to it. She couldn't hear what he was speaking. But the smile on his face explained her clearly that Nidhi still holds a special place in his life. She secretly left the place before she could get caught.

After a while Nandini entered the guest room where Navya was present. "I was waiting for you di." Navya said.


"It's been many days since I haven't slept in your lap." Navya said in a kiddish manner. Smiling at her little sister, Nandini sat on the bed. As she did that Navya placed her head in her lap and Nandini began stroking her hairs.

"Di can I ask you something?"

"Of course you can. You don't have to take permission for that."

"Di, do you still miss Karan jiju?"

Nandini stayed quite for a moment. After a minute she replied "obviously I do."

"But I don't think so."

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