25. His Story

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It's short update, I wrote in just 15 mins. Don't hate me for that, I'll update next by tomorrow night or day after tomorrow :)


It has been two days Nandini is avoiding him. She tried her best to avoid him. She preferred changing her route instead of encoutering him. She talked to him only in office that too when it is necessary. Other than that she didn't bother sparing him a glance. Not only Nandini but also everyone in the family cut all the conversations with Manik except Pari who was confused. Even Dadi Bua, for a change was on Nandini's side. Nidhi's words have been haunting her since that night. She couldn't sleep properly with the thought of someone else bearing Manik's child hunting her like a nightmare. They shared the same room but none of them spoke a word at night. Nandini chose to stay quiet out of anger whereas Manik out of guilt.

"Daddy why is everyone not talking to you?" Pari asked in utter confusion.

"Nothing baby. Daddy has done something that he shouldn't have done. And don't worry daddy knows how to convince everyone." He reassured her making her smile in return and kiss his cheek. He kissed her back. Just then Nandini entered the room.

"Pari it's time for your study honey. Get your books.", as usual she didn't even acknowledge Manik's presence.

"But mommy I don't feel like studying now. Can we do it later, pweesh? I want to play.", Pari requested with the most innocent look

"No. We're studying now and no more discussion.", she declared in a stern tone, which didn't go well with Manik, but he knew reason of her such behavior is he himself .

"Nandini let it be naah. She's just a kid. If she doesn't feel like studying now then let it be. It's not like she's going to fail in her exams or so." Manik said controling his anger in a very calm tone.

"Pari get your books and meet me in the living room in five minutes." Nandini said ignoring Manik and trying to control her temper. Even Manik's presence was irking her right now.

"But mommy..." Pari tried to speak but shut up on seeing giving her a stern look. Manik couldn't bear the sight of her daughter being upset.

"You don't need to vent out your anger for me on my daughter." Manik pulled her close and hissed. Last straw of his patience was also blown, he can't stand sad look on his daughter's face. But all Nandini did was glare at him. He decided that they both need to talk it out and sort their differences, these silent treatments were just creating hollowness in their relation.
"Pari go and play. I need to talk to your mommy alone." Manik said without taking his eyes off Nandini. Giving a last glance at her parents Pari quickly exited the room, she was intelligent and disciplined enough to acknowledge the seriousness of his tone. Manik bolted the door immediately after she left.

"What are you doing Manik?", Nandini asked in an irritated voice.

"All I'm doing is trying to talk to you.", he replied exasperated and tired.

"But I don't want to talk to you." Nandini said in an uninterested yet stern tone.

"Fine, then don't. At least you can listen to me, can't you?", he was losing his calmness.

"I am not interesting in listening to any of your explanations because it will not change the fact that you cheated on me. You betrayed me Manik." Even she raised her tone.

"I know I'd hurt you. But please listen to me once."

"You have five minutes. Shoot!", Nandini said turning her face to other side.

Manik took a deep breath before starting.
"I met Nidhi two days before I was supposed to see you at your house. I was disturbed very much. I didn't want to get married but my parents forced me to. I didn't want anyone to take Nidhi's place in this house. I didn't want anyone else to be called as Pari's mother. I missed my Nidhi very much that day. And one of my friends dragged me to a bar thinking I'll forget about this entire situation. And there I saw this girl. Her name was also Nidhi and to add more to my misery she was wearing a green dress which was Nidhi's favorite color. Even she seemed disturbed. We started conversing and drinks took their toll on us, we were totally out of senses. And the next thing I remember was taking her to a room. Trust me I felt extremely guilty when I woke up with my senses working properly. Both of us decided to forget this incident and move on. And when I met you...you just changed my point of view. I wanted you to be called as the daughter in law of this house. I wanted you to be called as Pari's mother and most importantly my wife. We were happy. It was just three weeks ago when out of blue she approached me to inform that she was two months pregnant with my child. I didn't believe her right away. We went for a DNA test and it turned out to be positive. I really don't want to accept that child but neither can I ignore it. I was finding a way to tell you but before I could, Nidhi spilled everything." He paused for a moment waiting for her reaction. But she put on a blank expression. When he got no response from her, he continued.

"I know what I've done is wrong...very very wrong. But please Nandini forgive me. I need you by my side Nandini. I really need you to be with me. I don't want to lose you.. Please I am sorry." He almost begged.


What should Nandini do?

Some words for Manik? 

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