24. The Ruined Moment

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*Chapter 23rd is Private.

'I lost
my way
all the way
to you
and in you
I found
all the way
back to me'


The sun rays shone through the curtains falling directly upon the couple whose having the most peaceful sleep of their lives. Nandini's head was resting just above Manik's heart whilst his arm wrapped around her protectively. A comforter was draped around them while they were laying just in their birth suits. The sun shining bright as if speaking about an untitled love story which is growing slowly yet steady reaching a notch higher with each passing day.

Sun rays were disturbing Nandini's sleep, who snugled more into Manik's chest which caused him to wake up. Rubbing his eyes, he carefully shifted Nandini on his one arm making sure not to disturb her. He intently watched her face, as if he wanted to paint it forever in his heart. There was a small smile on her lips while she was in deep slumber. A contended smile!

He bent down and pecked her cheeks lightly. Her eyes suddenly started to flutter due to the slight movement, eventually opening , directly looking into his dark sapphire orbs which were displaying his soul. As he leant forward, her pulse raised. A small lock of hair tumbled in front of her face resting just in front of her cheek, but with one swift slide of his thumb, it was brushed out of the way.

His lips locked with his for a moment causing a hot blazing fire to pulse through her. He pulled away silently, their eyes locked, having a conversation of their own. A small grin crept onto his face seeing her cheeks turned red rose as the night's events replayed in her mind.

 A small grin crept onto his face seeing her cheeks turned red rose as the night's events replayed in her mind

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"The morning sunshine mixed with your blush is the most beautiful way to begin my day. Good morning babe." Saying this he pecked her lips once again and covered himself with a spare sheet and proceeded to the washroom. She sat there dumbfounded. Did he really address her as babe?

For Nandini yesterday's night was beyond magical. What's more blissful then being marked by the person you love as his. Her heart, soul, body... everything belongs to him. She belongs to him.

Letting your clothes shed down isn't the feeling of being naked but baring all your insecurities, vulnerabilities, pain, anguish, thoughts, past, and soul in front of someone else; that's what being naked feels like. And that someone embraces you with all the tenderness, care, and love;is all what you need!

He is the person who made her heart forget that it was ever even broken!

It felt almost surreal to her. Their feelings were open yesterday. Manik bestowed love on her. His actions depicted his love for her. But she still was confused. An assurance was needed! There was a fear settling deep inside her heart, what if It's not what she is thinking? Only his vocal feelings can clear her confusions.

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