14. Shocked!

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It was an extremely exhausting day for Nandini as well Manik. The continuous attending of meetings made them exasperated. Nandini was back from office at her usual time whereas Manik was still in the office finishing a presentation. Plopping on the bed she relaxed herself. As she streched out her arms on the soft matress, her mind wandered off to Manik's thoughts. She wondered what he might be doing at that moment. After having a close scrutiny of his behaviour all these days she tried guessing what Manik might be doing. Her instincts told her that he would be properly twich his nose making cute expressions incase if he finds any mistake in the presentation. His chocolate brown orbs glued to the laptop screen while his hands effortlessly worked on the keyboard. When he'd be tired he would lean back on the head rest of the chair closing his eyes for a moment or two expecting someone to give him a brief massage. Putting aside his thoughts he would repay his attention to the laptop.

"Gosh, I'm behaving like a love struck teenager." She chuckled at her own thoughts.

"Love??" She questioned herself

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"Love??" She questioned herself. The word 'love' traced  her thoughts back to the moments that she shared with him right from the time they saw eachother.

Is it really love, was Navya right when she said i am getting over or to be precise forgetting Karan.

No I dont think so, I haven't forgotten Karan , and I can never ever forget my first love. He has a special place in my heart and that can never be replaced by anyone, not even Manik.

Though I won't deny the fact that Manik have also occupied a place in my heart, a special place! The way he cares for me, the way he protects me, the way he stands for me, the way he makes me feel...that is something special!!

Does Manik also feel the same?

But is it right to feel this way?
Am I betraying Karan's love?

"Get a hold on yourself Nandini. This is not going to happen."

Realizing the time, she got up and revived out of her lazy mood. She proceeded towards the kitchen. She had mixed feelings churning in her stomach. She was excited as well as nervous to cook for him.

"Nandini make sure you avoid the usage of garlic in the dishes. Bua ji is alergic to garlic." Nayonika said entering the kitchen.

"Oh...okay then, I'll try to avoid garlic."

Soon Nandini finished preparing the dinner. Manik and his dad also arrived. Nandini went to her room to get freshened up. As she was about to open the washroom door, Manik opened it inside and stepped out. Both of them collided into eachother. Nandini's hand landed on his shoulders whilst his hand wrapped around her waist to support her. Manik just had a bath and water was still dripping down his hairs. Nandini had a tough time controlling her emotions. Her eyes roamed all over his chistled torso. He smirked and jerked her towards him. Her grip tightened on his shoulder.
Manik studied her, the effect his touch had on her, her hyped breaths, the quivering lips, the way she had clutched his shoulders.
His eyes landed on her beautiful orbs before travelling down to her lips . He again leaned forward aiming at lips. Nandini shut her eyes giving him the hint that she was ready for it. Their lips were just inches apart.

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