23. Souls Entwined❤

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Note: This chapter is intimate, bold, mature... and so is private for the same reason.

People having issues with such content kindly don't read further.

A romantic and passionate update..!!

Longest till date 4000+ words  :D

Inline comments are love ❤️

Happy reading :)


Manik and Nandini were now having brownies made by The Manik Malhotra himself standing near the window and enjoying the rain. Even now Nandini was teasing him about Manik's cliche idea of candle light dinner to which Manik was showing fake anger to her.

While she was teasing him, Manik observed her every expression carefully. Her carefree laugh, that he vowed to protect from every evil eye, no matter what happens... he won't let any harm reach her.

He even wondered is she the same women who so maturely handles office, manage the whole home, Pari and most importantly him... He was feeling blessed that her childish behavior is just reserved for him.

After Nidhi, his first love, he knew he'll never be able to give her place to anyone. His heart was left barren when she left him, he was living just for Pari. Happiness, peace, supinity, tranquility, contentment... everything was lost. He had locked every emotion, every feeling; somewhere deep inside his heart.

And whenever his mother pestered him about remarrying, he had a fear, what if she won't be able to love Pari, what if she won't adjust well in his family.... in any of the 'what ifs' he had in his mind, he never for once feared about himself, he was too distant from every feeling, he knew he wont let anyone enter his life. Even when he agreed to marry Nandini it was just for the sake of Pari, nothing else.

But then Nandini came, and his all the fears were vanished, but not only this she came like an angel and changed his monotonous life completely. As if she came with a key to his heart, and set free all the emotions he had locked in some nook long ago. He was sure he wont give Nidhi's place in his heart to anyone, but Nandini created her own place.... and now is ruling all over his heart.

Not only she prooved best mother for Pari but also she has been best friend and best companion to him, which he thought nobody else could ever be other than Nidhi.

He wondered how beautiful she looked in that saree... playing with those raindrops.

Delightfully chaotic..

Beautiful mess..

Sheer gorgeousness!

While playing when her eyes landed on him, she shuddered at the intensity it beholds. A shiver ran down her spine feeling his zealous gaze.

She streched her hand outside the window and splashed few drops of rain on him, which caused him to tear his gaze away from her.

Seeing her playfulness he started walking towards her taking painfully slow and intimidating steps. As she saw him approaching, she made a run towards the balcony before he corners her.

 As she saw him approaching, she made a run towards the balcony before he corners her

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