29. Duties v/s Love

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"Nandini are you going somewhere today?" Manik asked as he observed her getting ready.

"Umm yes."

"And may I know where you are going?"

"Uh...I...umm...I...I'm going to solve Nidhi's problem." Nandini said in a haste. As expected Manik's jaw clenched and his nose flared on hearing this.

"Are you out of your mind? Do you even realize what are you saying? And how did you think that I'll let you go alone?"

"Manik relax. What harm can he do now that I know everything. He cannot harm me and about Nidhi if we get him arrested then the problem will entirely solved."

"Nandini it is easier said than done."

"But there's no harm in trying."

"Fine but you are not going alone. I am coming along with you."

"Manik I can manage. You don't need to come. I don't want you to do something bad out of your temper."

"Nandini are we seriously having this discussion?" Manik said giving her a stern look.

"Okay fine let's go."

* * * * *

"Nandini I'm scared. Are you sure nothing will go wrong?"

"Yes I am. Just make sure Ravesh doesn't leave the house. Manik and I are arriving in few minutes along with the cops." Nandini replied over the phone.

"Okay, come soon."

"Who are you talking to?" Ravesh asked scaring Nidhi.

"Uh...I was...talking to my friend." Nidhi stuttered.

"Since when did you have a friend named Nandini?"

"Nandini? You...you must have heard wrong. It's Nandita...yes Nandita."

"Okay, then give me your phone."

"Wh...why do you need my phone?" Nidhi was tensed. If Ravesh sees Nandini's name in the call log then she knew one thing that he wouldn't leave her.

"Nidhi I said give me your phone." Ravesh growled. Just on time the door bell rang. Nidhi thanked her stars for that. Giving her an unsure look Ravesh proceeded to open the door. Exhaling a sigh of relief Nidhi followed him. As Ravesh opened the door he was met by a huge shock. The cops were standing there.

"Are you Mr.Ravesh?"

"Ye...yes sir."

"Arrest him constables."

"But what have I done?"

"We have an arrest warrant against you for physically and mentally assaulting Ms.Nidhi."

"Nidhi did yoy file a F.I.R against me?" Ravesh asked flaring his nose. Before she could reply anything Nandini replied from behind. "I have filed the F.I.R on Nidhi's behalf."

Ravesh was shocked once again. He didn't expect to see her there. It was then realization hit him that he was exposed. In his defence he grabbed Nidhi and placed his pocket knife on her neck.

"Ravesh please let me go." Nidhi begged as his grip on her tightened.

"You bloody b***h! You should have thought about this before calling the cops. If anyone dares to come near me then I swear this knife will pierce right through her neck."

"Ravesh leave her. She's pregnant with your child." Nandini yelled at him.

"Thanks for the information Nandini Bhabhi. But now it's too late. My life is more important than anyone else." Ravesh scoffed at her. He proceeded towards the door using Nidhi as his escspe. All this while Manik was refraining himself from doing anything. As Ravesh passed by Nandini, she noticed that there was enough distance between the knife and Nidhi's neck. In an instant she pushed Nidhi to the other side. As a reflex Ravesh threw the knife towards Nandini which hit her arm making her yelp in pain. This triggered Manik's anger and he pulled Ravesh and smashed him towards the wall. He started beating him blue and black. It took all the cops to pull him back. Once they took him away Nidhi thanked them and brought the first aid box to dress Nandini's wound. It wasn't deep but Manik was mad at her.

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