27. Revelations

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* Peeking from under the table*
Anyone remember this story?!👀🙈
I'm sorryyyy, I was totally disconnected from this story. I couldn't gather my mind and then I forgot what I'd planned to write🤦🤧

*Next update in couple of hours. This is a short one, because revelations and confrontations had to be in different chapters.
Promise you'll get the next one tonight only!



Recap : Manik took Nidhi to ice cream parlour where he met Nandini who told him that she knows the truth.


Manik stood there confused. He faced Nidhi and found her standing there with her head hung low. He got the answer for his unasked question.

"Did you tell her everything?" He still asked her. Nidhi remained silent.

"Nidhi I'm asking you something. Did you or did you not tell Nandini everything? Just answer me dammit.", he asked raising his voice.

"Yes." Nidhi whispered.

"How and when?" He asked sternely. Nidhi asked him to sit down and she started narrating her story.

The same morning when Nandini woke up earlier than Manik she copied a number from his phone. After getting freshened up she dialed that number.

"Hello." The person at the other end answered."

"Nidhi this is Nandini."

"Nan..Nandini? How did you get my number?"

"I copied it from Manik's cell. I'm not going to beat around the bush and I hope neither will you. I want to know whether this baby is really Manik's or not? And I expect an honest answer!" Nidhi stayed quiet.

"Nidhi I know there's something that you guys are trying to hide from me and I want to know. If you don't tell me what it is then I, somehow, will find out the truth. Let's just make it easier for me. For lord's sake Nidhi open up your mouth. I know Manik won't tell me everything but I need to know. So it's a sincere request. Please tell me."

"Okay. Meet me at the espresso coffee place at 10 am. I'll tell you everything."

After completing her morning chores, Nandini immediately left for the coffee shop. She reached their ten minutes earlier. And when finally Nidhi arrived she breathed out a sigh of relief as she wasn't sure would Nidhi arrive or not?

"Hey." Nidhi greeted her.

"The greetings can wait. Let's come to the main point." They ordered coffee and then Nidhi started telling her everything.

"Manik isn't my baby's father. We didn't crossed our limits, we hanged out a bit that day nothing more and that was also completely out of our drunken state and stressed out lives." Nandini patiently listened to her.

"This is happening because of my fiance Ravesh Singhania. And before you get confused about this person let me tell you, he is Karan's cousin. I found this out after Manik told me. Ravesh and I were happily in love until six months back. Six months back Ravesh changed all of a sudden. He started incurring losses in his business due to which he turned into an alcoholic. He started abusing me verbally. I was tired of his behavior. I couldn't tolerate anymore but then I loved him too much to let go of him. No matter what, I was always by his side even if he abused me. But that night I was stressed and tired due to him. I went to the bar to relax myself. And there I met Manik. Both of us were drunk and out of our mind so we both ended up in bed. But I knew nothing of that sought happened, Manik had passed out when we entered in the room. Even before I could talk to Manik and tell him that, he left writing a note to me that said It was all mistake and he was drunk. But I felt guilty and disgusted with myself to even reach till that point, so I confessed this incident to Ravesh. After knowing that he accused me of cheating on him and didn't believed me when I told him that we didn't crossed our limits, he abused me even more and was almost about to get on the physical violence but then he didn't. He stayed away from me for three days. And after those three days he came back to me and apologized for everything. Everything seemed to be fine. We were back to the happy go merry couple. And two months back I found out that I was pregnant with Ravesh's child. At first he didn't want to accept the child and that left me devastated. The DNA test made him convince that it is his child. Even though he accepted the child, he wasn't ready to bear the responsibilities. And his reason was that he was undergoing financial crisis. It then stuck him that I spent a night with Manik once, and Manik is under pretense that we made out that day. He didn't know who Manik was. He threatened me to trap Manik into being this child's father else he would kill me and my child. I was petrified because he was capable of doing it. I had no other option but to go along with him. After a lot of difficulty I found out Manik's address and contacted him. It was easy to trap him using the fake DNA test.

I felt guilty for making a married man suffer cause of me and my child. But then I didn't have another option. I've always observed that whenever Ravesh would be in a problem he always used to say 'Nandini bhabhi hoti toh who meri help karti' or 'Nandini bhabhi bahut achi advice deti hai' and so on. Little did I know that his Nandini bhabhi was none other than the same woman's husband whom I am framing into the picture?! After talking to Manik I learnt that his Nandini bhabhi is none other than you. Feeling awfully guilty I decided to confess everything to Manik. When Manik got to know everything, he was first angry on me but then he promised to help me and bring me out of this situation. Even the other day when you saw us both in mall, Ravesh was behind you and we had to pretend that kiss. But to our misfortune Ravesh found it out. He threatened both of us that he would harm Pari and you if we stop pretending this act. Though he still admires you Nandini, he considers you to be responsible for Karan's death. He remembers you only when he is in a problem. Other than that he never gets tired of cursing you. Along with seeking money for our child, he wants to destroy Manik and your relationship. And Manik couldn't tolerate it. He couldn't let you be in danger. And so he had to hide things from you. He knows he is hurting you but more than that he is hurting himself."

Nandini had no words to say. She couldn't stop the tears from falling. She felt happy that Manik was doing all this to protect her but then she felt miserable that she couldn't build enough trust such that he couldn't confide her.

"Nandini you are one lucky woman to have such a man who loves you more than his life." Nidhi said before leaving.


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