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"Nandini are you ready?" Manik questioned her.

"Yeah, just a bit nervous."

"Relax. Everything will be fine."

"I hope."

Both of them left for the hospital. They didn't have to wait much before meeting the doctor. They were meeting the famous gyneacologist, Dr.Shivani.

"Hello Mr and Mrs.Malhotra."

"Hello doctor." Manik greeted her.

"So tell me about your problem Mrs.Malhotra."

Nandini told her everything about those symptoms and also the previous doctor's verdict.

"Mrs.Malhotra can you follow me this way please?"

The doctor led her to a another room and conducted a simple test. She asked Nandini to wait outside along with Manik. Moments later the doctor returned back.

"Is everything alright doctor?" Nandini asked.

"Well Mrs.Malhotra you are not pregnant." As soon as these words escaped her mouth, both Nandini and Manik exhaled a relieved sigh. The doctor found it weird but chose to ignore it.

"Doctor if Nandini isn't pregnant then what happened to her?"

"This is a case of food poisoning. I guess Mrs.Malhotra must have eaten something wrong."

"Uh, yeah. The other day after leaving from office I had pani puri from a road side stall." Nandini replied giving a sheepish smile while Manik glared at her.

"But doctor what about my missed cycles?" Nandini asked slowly but Manik heard it.

"You haven't exactly missed them. They might have been delayed. And don't worry this isn't something to worry about. Sometimes hormonal changes take place due to which your cycles get delayed."

"Then why did the previous doctor said that Nandini was pregnant?"

"I don't know. Maybe she's an underqualified doctor or maybe she lacks medical practice."

Both of them thanked the doctor and left. As they arrived home, they found Preeti and Navya waiting along with others for them to return. By the looks on their faces it was evident that Nayonika must have told them everything.

"Nandini, are you fine?" Preeti questioned on seeing Nandini.

"Maa, I'm perfectly fine. And I'm not pregnant. It was just food poisoning."

"Yeah, and Nandini no more roadside food." Manik said sternly to which she pouted.

Manik explained them the whole case of food poisoning. Everybody gave Nandini, stern glares whilst she gave a sheepish grin. Later that night everyone had a delightful dinner with light-headed chat.

"Di can we go shopping please? It's been ages since I've shopped with you." Navya asked with pleading eyes.

"Umm, alright. We're going shopping this saturday." Nandini replied.

"Mommy can I also come along?" Pari asked.

"Of course baby you are coming. How did you even think mommy would go shopping with you?"

"Yayy, then I want new frocks, dolls, sandals, clips and..."

"I'll get you anything you want but first finish your food."

"Okay mommy."


Later that night, Manik was in the washroom, having his shower. Just as he finished wrapping a towel around his waist, the washroom door opened. There stood Nandini with her mouth wide open. She shamelessly gaped at the sculpted peice of art. Her gaze dropped down from his eyes to his bare chest . Drops of moisture from his shower still clinging on to him and making their way from his broad manly shoulders, well defined muscles of his chest, the chieseled planes of his abdomen, finally getting absorb into the towel material. In between her checkout session ,her heart skipped numerous beats even without her knowledge.

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