Chapter 18- HELP ME

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Song: Sleepwalk
Cover Artist: Renee Olstead

Dylan's POV:

I called my mom after I got out the station. I just bailed ash out and now I'm waiting for her to come out. I waited for my mom to pick up so that I can tell her that I got here safe.

"Hello, yeah I just got here."

"I'm just waiting for her to come out."


I then heard a door open and I turned around. My stomach dropped. My eyes widened. My heart started to hurt. No! No! No! No! Not again!

"Oh no."

"Ma I'll call you later."

I hung up the phone and slowly walked up to the police and Ash. The devilish smile on her face made me get goosebumps. The officer gave me a note and I slowly took it away from his hand. I put it in my pocket and then slowly reached for her bag. We then made our way to my car.

Once we were in the car that's when I heard it. The mumbling. Chills ran through my body. I tried to listen closely to try and get what she was saying.


I could only get a few pieces of what she said. That's when I looked at her arms. I saw new cuts on her arm. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the steering wheel. I knew she was like this because she hasn't been taking her real medication. Even though the ones her dad gave her were fake, my mom had her own cap of her medication. But since she's been in that academy with fake medication, the voices are coming all at once.



I looked down. I felt tears form in my eyes. Why the fuck did he have to do this to her?! A tear then fell down my cheek. That's when I took out the note. I opened it and read it.

To Dylan,

Dylan if you're reading this it means that the voices have completely taken over. It's only a matter of time before I start to hurt myself or hurt others. By others I mean......HIM. He killed my mom. You probably figured that out already. I really do want to kill him but I want to do it when I'm semi sane. I know it will be hard for you to take me there. But please. Do it. I might put up a fight but just do it. And please........HELP ME.

I closed my eyes knowing what place she wanted me to take her. I started the car and started to drive. I felt the tears run down my face. That's when I felt a hand whip a tear away. I slowly turned around and saw her starring at me. There wasn't any light in them. They were just dull and a dark blue that could almost be mistaken as black. But that's when I saw her eyes turn back to the beautiful blue ones.


Her eyes then quickly turned back to a dark blue. As if her last bit of humanity fought to the surface for the last time. And was then taken away by the darkness. My grip tightened on the steering wheel.
I will bring you back.

I drove up to the building. Ash then looked at me. A look of anger formed on her face. And it scared me. I quickly took out the syringe out of the armrest of my car and stabbed her in the leg. If you're wondering why I have a syringe in my car it's because Ash leaves one in here just in case.

"Perdóname," I whispered.

(Forgive me)

She instantly fell asleep. I got out the car and carried her inside. The men in white scrubs took her away from me and took her into a different part of the building. It's for the better Dylan. She will get better here. Hopefully.

Ash's POV:

I tried to fight it. The darkness. As I was writing the note I could feel it eating me. I tried to block out the voices but they kept pushing harder. The more I wrote the more sloppy it was. I finally finished and yelled for a guard.


"Excuse me!" I yelled.

"What is it now?" A police guard asked annoyed.

"If a guy comes for me named Dylan can you give this to him."


"Yes he....he has brown hair. He's about 6'2 and his eyes are hazel. Just! Give this to him. Please."

The officer gave me a weird look and nodded. I closed my eyes as the tears ran down my face. It felt good to cry. And I hope Dylan listens to what I wrote on the note.

I went back to the ugly bed and sat down in the middle of it. I just sat there looking at nothing. And that's when I just let go. I let the darkness take over. And everything went black.


I felt......nothing. I just felt numb. And all I could hear were voices. It's like I didn't have control over my body. I could feel the pain and the emotions but that's it. Everything was just dark. I know I'm sitting down but I have no idea where. I just feel....empty.

I could hear the words leave my mouth. The anger and hatred in my voice. The pain, the sorrow. However, there's still a little part of me fighting back. But the more I fight the stronger the darkness comes. I closed my eyes feeling tears form in my eyes.

That's when I heard it. His voice. However, my body didn't move. I tried to fight harder. After a while that's when I hear him....crying. I tried even harder until I could see. I was in his car and I turned to look at him. And I barely got my words out. I looked into his hazel eyes and smiled.


And that's when everything went black.


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