[04. Real Life]

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Kirkman introduced himself to me today and he gave me a run down on whats going to be happening with my character and such.

"Hey you're Vanessa right?", he says. "Yes sir", i smiled and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, i'm Robert", he says. "Okay so basically you're going to be playing a character named Isabella but everyone calls you bella...you save negans ass from a heard of walkers then you become his love interest", he explains. "You'll be spending a lot of time with Negan, so maybe create a bond with Jeffrey outside of set to make it easier on both of you", he mentioned. "Okay sounds good", i nodded and took the script.

I walked over to Norman and he was standing there talking to Jeff. "Hey guys", i say walking up to them. "Hey Nessa", Jeffrey said. "Oh so you guys are on a nick name basis now?", norman chuckled. "Well Kirkman said we needed to become best friends for the sake of the show...so i think this is a good strategy", jeff says. "Oh he told you that too", i laughed. "Yes he did", he smiled. "Well i gotta go on it 5 so ill catch you guys later", norman says walking away.

"So do u wanna practice lines with me?", i asked. "Sure would", he smiled. He opened the door to his trailer, and held it open for me, "after you", he says. "Why thank you...such a gentleman", a grin peeked on my face. "I try", he lets out a small chuckle.

Jeffrey: im negan
Vanessa : oh i know who you are
Jeffrey: you do?
Vanessa: you're the prick who brings a baseball bat to a gun fight
Jeffrey: ouch.
Jeffrey: and you're the girl with beautiful eyes and a cute smile
Vanessa: and you're the...

"Wait wheres that, i dont see it in the script", i say searching and flipping papers. "Its not in the script Nessa", he laughs. "Oh", i say confused. "Not script related...real talk...you're really pretty Vanessa, and your smile and your eyes they are mesmerizing", jeff says. I blushed.

Okay im not gonna lie i think i have the hots for Jeff too but i met him like...yesterday.

"Well, you're pretty handsome yourself", he grinned at my reply. Just then we heard a knock on the door, "jeff, vanessa you're on in 5", Andy shouts and closed the door. "That kinda ruined that moment eh", i let out a small giggle. "Even your laugh is adorable", his face lights up. I blushed again. "But yes, definitely ruined the moment...Andy always ruins everything", he laughs. "Ya omg Andy came to my nephews 11th birthday with Norman last year, he dropped his phone in the cake...like how does one manage", i laughed. "No way!", Jeff was pissing his pants laughing. "Totally serious", i smiled and walked out the door with Jeff following.

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