[24. Real Life]

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After the Walker Stalker Convention in California, Jensen and Jared invited me to go to Dallas for a quick pop in at one of their Supernatural conventions. I think they're on season 76 now or some shit i dont even know.

I asked them if i could bring Vanessa along, I wanted to do something spontaneous.
"Hey ness", i say as i was packing my suit case to leave California. "Ya babe", she says tossing me my tooth brush. "Thanks, um so i have to go to Dallas for a day to meet up with Jensen and Jared for a small panel", i say. "Oh okay no problem", she says continuing to pack. "But the best part is...you're coming with me", i smile. "Really?!", she yelps in excitement. "I love Jensen Ackles!!!", she had a cheeky smile on her face. I tilt my head. "I mean..whos jensen ackles", she jokes. I laughed. "Oh please, hes so beautiful...theres no way you can say hes not", she says. "You're right, he's a stud isn't he", i joked.


"Alright everyone, i have a friend backstage tonight...and that friend brought another friend", jensen chuckles. "So i told him since he was gonna be in Dallas he should...i dont know...hand out with us for a little bit", jensen says. "And i wanted him to request a song for us to sing", he smiles and turns around as the crowd is freaking out and cheering louder than i even knew was humanly possible. I walked out clapping and waving to the folks. I gave jensen and jared a hug and walked towards the mic. "So before I request a song i want you to meet my beautiful girl, Vanessa Fuerth...y'all may know who from a little show called The Walking Dead", i say applauding her as she walked out smiling and fangirling over Jensen. "So i was thinking back to the days of yore...a song that I swayed too in like 1984...thats right you remember this band", i smiled. "Remember a band called Night Ranger?, you heard a couple bars here, and it got me all sentimental and shit", i fan my hand in front of my face. "I wanna hear Sister Christian", i tell the band. "I think we can do that", the lead singer says. The whole crowd cheers as i start clapping.

After the song, oh but let me tell you...is there anything Jensen cant do?!? Sing, act, like cmon man.

I walk to the mic once again, "hey folks before i leave i wanted to say a little something, so this is my gal, not only is she my lady but shes one of my best friends. She makes me smile, i laugh at her jokes, and she kindly laughs at mine that probably aren't even funny but she laughs just to make me happy...haha thanks babe", i winked at her. "It makes me happy knowing shes happy and genuinely, I'd be nothing without her, i call her a weirdo but i tell her being a weirdo is the best thing in the world", I chuckle. "Vanessa, i wanted to ask you a quick question", i say as Jensen grabs mic and holds it for me. I knelt down on one knee and grabbed the small little box out of my back pocket. "Ness, will you marry me and make me the happiest man alive?", i asked her. The crowd was dead silent waiting for her response. "Yes, yes! Yes I'll marry you", she shouts and runs to give me a hug. The crowd went crazy after hearing those words. I kissed her and hugged her once more. I slid the ring on her finger, "you like it baby?", i asked. "Oh my gosh yes, I love it", she held my face with both hands and kissed me. "Congrats brother", jensen hugged me. "Congratulations my man", jared hugged me too. "Thanks boys", I returned the hugs. I held Vanessa's hand and we walked off stage with everyone cheering and shouting.

***have you guys watched that youtube video of Jeffrey actually requesting that song, not including the engagement part but i love the song now Lmao***


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