[42. Real Life]

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Jeff and i went to our first baby appointment, we havent told anyone about it yet. We walked in to the clinic and were waiting in the waiting room. "Vanessa Fuerth?", the nurse called. "Here", i say as jeff held my hand as we got up and followed the nurse. "Okay so we are gonna put this gel on your stomach and take an ultra sound to see what your baby is doing in there", she smiled. "Okay sounds good", i said and smiled at jeff as he smiled back at me. Jeff held my hand as we watched the monitor. "The heart beat sounds lovely for your baby...wait um...", the nurse hesitated. Jeff looked nervous. "What is every thing okay?", jeff asked. "Everything is perfect", she assured us. "Why did u hesitate, is our baby okay", jeff asked again. "Babies", she corrected him. My jaw dropped. "Two?...like twins", jeff says. "Yes sir, twins... you have two little humans in there", the nurse smiled. "Congratulations", she said. "Thank you", jeff said as he kissed my hand.


"Babe, two babies", i said. "I know its crazy", Vanessa said sitting on the couch. "I love you", i said kissing her on the cheek. "I love you too", she says back. "We gotta tell people", she shouts excitedly. "Okay do u want me to post something on Instagram", i asked. "Yeah, you post and ill post", she said. We both posted a picture on Instagram announcing our pregnancy.

I had work tonight and Vanessa didnt but she came along with me just for laughs and shit. Everyone always comes to support the other while we film scenes...its just a thing we do even if we don't have to work that day.

Jeff and i walked onto the set to see Norman and Alanna doing their scene when Dwight shoots Tara with the arrow. "Cut! Everyone take 5", greg shouts. We walked up to them, "hey guys", jeffs says bringing alanna in for a hug. "Hey do you guys wanna get a drink after work", andy asked as he walked up to everyone. I looked at Jeff...and he looked at me and his face was telling me to just say it. "Ugh, I can't", i spit out. "What? You always go for a drink...what are you...pregnant or something?", Norman laughs. I smiled and looked back at jeff. "Wait i was just kidding?!, are you actually pregnant", norman shouted. "Yeah", I answered. "Oh my gosh!!! Ness!!", alanna hugged me. "Wow, congrats you guys", Norman and andy said. "Thanks", jeff says taking ahold of my hand.

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