[48. real life]

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I drove home real quick after work.
I walked in and called for Vanessa. "Ness". "Yeah babe", she shouts but i still cant see her. "Where are you", I asked. "The bedroom", she answered. I entered the room to see her wrapped in blankets watching tv. "What in gods name are you doing...its 90 degrees outside", i say. "Im cold", she says. I laid down beside her. Wrapping my body around her. "Let me help you keep warm then", i say kissing her on the cheek. "Thankyou", she squeezed my hand. "Whatcha watchin", i ask. "Greys anatomy..i missed you", she says. "Aw babe i missed you too", i kissed her on the lips. She grabbed my face and kissed me again. "Can you fuck me", she begged. "The babies..", i say. "Jeff. Jeff..i need you to fuck me, i need it", i say. "Just the tip", i say. She nodded. I kissed her again and removed my shirt. She took hers off too. I undid her bra and watched it fall to the ground. I pulled her towards me and slid her pants off, then her underwear. I licked her folds. She moaned my name. I took my pants off and traced her folds with my dick. She rubbed up and down my shaft rapidly making myself fully erect. I slid the tip into her pussy. "Oh ya", she moaned. I thrusted. "Little bit more jeff", she asked. "You sure", i ask. "Just a little", she begs. I nodded. I pushed in a little further. "Yes that's it", she shouted. "Call me daddy", I thrusted in and out. "Yes daddy, fuck me hard, whos your baby girl", she said. "God, you are, you're daddy's baby girl", i groaned. "Fuck im gonna cum", i moaned and released inside of Her. "Could that make another baby...", i trailed on. "Jeff", she laughed at me. "Im dead serious, twins okay but triplets im sorry but daddy can only handle so much", i said. "I think we'll be fine", she assured me. I kissed her on the lips.

Check out my new book pleaseee!!!
Its called "coffee shop" its a jeff story not a negan one so yay.

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