[20. Real life]

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I was scrolling threw twitter while Nessa was finishing getting ready for our panel. "You almost ready babe?", i say shoving my phone in my pocket. "Yeah im done, i dont really like this shirt though", she says looking at her self in the mirror trying to pick her self apart. "You know, you can keep looking but you're never gonna find any flaws", i walked up behind her wrapping my arms around her waist and resting my chin on her shoulder. "But the shirt...", she says pouting. "The shirt...is fine, you look beautiful", i say kissing her neck causing her to moan slightly. "Besides...we gotta get going Norman is waiting for us in the hall", i say slapping her ass and walking away to put my jacket on. "Jeff!", she yelped. "It's not my fault you have a cute butt", i chuckled and winked.

We walked out seeing Norman waiting outside his room. "Oh I didn't know you booked a room next to nessa", i say. "Ya, everyones room is on this floor jeff", norman says laughing like i was supposed to know that. "What...mine isnt, mines on the floor above you guys", I explain. "Haha thats what you get for booking the hotel 3 weeks after you were supposed too", norman laughs. "So how was your night yesterday", Norman asked nessa. "It was okay, it was pretty chill after we got checked in", she told him. "Wow, it was 'okay' and 'chill'...thats not what it sounded like last night", norman joked referring to our very passionate sex last night. "Oh jeff, harder, faster jeff", he mocks vanessa. "Oh stop, you're disgusting", Nessa lightly hit him in the chest, and her face got all red. "Its okay babe, norm just hasn't gotten ass in a year or two...hes a bit jealous", i say making fun of him. "Jeff, thats so not...true...why the...fuck...can you just stop having loud sex please...you made my alarm clock fall off the night stand", he nervously says because he knows he hasn't been laid in a while. I just grinned. "Oh so you really havent gotten ass in a year, I thought you were kidding", nessa laughed. "Okay enough, we gotta go to the panel", he says walking off annoyed. Vanessa and I held hands and we walked down the hall to the uber.


Chris Hardwick announced everyones names and each of us walked out. But i was asked to have a special entrance, well because im fucking negan. "And for the one you've been waiting for, the one and only Jeffrey. Dean. Morgan!!", chris shouts. I walked out with Lucille over my shoulder, "don don don doonnn, little pig, little pig....let me in!", i shout. The whole crowd goes crazy. "Now, im gonna beat the fuckity fuckity fuck outta one of you", i grin. I laughed and everyone cheered and i sat down next to Norman and Melissa. The panel was myself, Andy, Norman, Austin, Vanessa, Steven, Chandler, Cudlitz, Melissa, Danai, Josh, Seth, Lauren, Alanna, and Christian.

"Alright lets start with questions", chris says. "Hi whats your name and where are you from", chris says. "Hi im Sally, and im from Houston, Texas", sally says. "Hi sally from Texas whats your question", chris says. "I just wanted to say how much i love you guys and this show, it's phenomenal, and my question is for Andy, were you intimidated by jeffrey when he first got casted on the show because the first scene you had with him was him standing over you with a barbed
Wired bat to your face", she asked. "Oh yes, very intimidating. And i mean look at the fella hes a stud so having a good looking guy pretend to smash your head in isn't always a picnic", andy replied. "Thankyou", she says.
"Hi im David from Massachusetts and my question is for Josh...how much do you actually like pickles", David asks. "Oh wow, i love pickles, seriously one of my favourite things on the planet, besides my wife", josh replied. "Josh dont lie to the people you dont have a wife", Cudlitz buts in. The whole crowd laughed. "Well no one needs to know that. Michael. ", josh faked being upset. Josh shook his head because he lowkey actually has a wife that no one knows about.
"Hi im maria from San Diego, this ones for Andy again", she says. "Cmon andy stop hogging all the questions", norman jokes. Everyone laughed. "So i was wondering whats the best part about working with jeffrey", she asks. "You say stop hogging the questions, all of the questions for me have been about Jeffrey!!!", he laughed. "Haha", i laughed my ass off. "Well, working with jeffrey is a blessing, because hes a phenomenal actor. Its like playing tennis, when you play with someone better than you, you raise your game", andy says. "Aw thanks brother", i say.
"My question is for Jeffrey, has andy apologized for punching you in the nose", she asked. "He hasnt", I say with a slight chuckle. "Bull shit Morgan you kicked me in the Lufer so no apologies needed, we're even", andy laughed. "I may have kicked him in the manhood, barley kicked him might i had", i smiled.
"My question is for Vanessa and Jeffrey, are you guys dating, you told me on twitter to wait for the panel to ask the question so here it is", she giggled. "Well i didnt know you were actually coming here", i laughed. "Ya we are", vanessa said. We both looked at each other and smiled with the whole crowd cheering. "kiss, Kiss, kiss, kiss", chris hardwick chanted then the whole crowd chanted along with the rest of the cast. I got up and walked over to Vanessa and kissed her on the lips and the crowd went crazy.

After the panel we all went out to dinner and i went back to Vanessa's room.

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