[21. Real Life]

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Jeff was brushing his teeth, getting ready for bed and i heard my phone ring. Norman was facetiming Me. "Hey norman whats up", i ask looking through the camera to my phone. "Oh nothing, i just wanted to make sure you guys were going to be loud tonight", he chuckles. "Actually you were just interrupting us norm", jeff says walking over running his hand through his hair. "Stop jeff I know you're kidding", Norman says. "Whatever floats ur boat bubba", jeffrey grinned. He started kissing up and down my neck, causing me to moan. "Guys! Stop! Oh my gosh you're so disgusting", Norman hangs up right away. I tossed my phone on the dresser. I kissed him, "i feel like he hates us", i laughed. "It's okay ", he replied and kissed me back. Jeff hit the wall with his hand a few times making it sound like we were going hard. "You're a good friend jeff", i joked sarcastically . "I know", he kissed me again. His hands traveled down my thighs and to my underwear. "Baby you're so wet", he smirked. "You just get to me sometimes babe, imagining that beard in between my legs", i bit my lip. Jeff's head tilted and grinned.
He slid down my underwear and pulled me to the end of the bed. He ran his finger up and down my clit. He licked my folds and stuck his tongue in. He knew exactly what he was doing. I rubbed my bud in a circle motion as he devoured my pussy. "You taste so good Nessa", he says before continuing. "Jeff im...im gonna...ohh God", i yelp grabbing his hair and the side of the bed. "Cum in my mouth darlin", he groans still attacking my vagina. I released in his mouth just like he asked. He looked at me and licked his lips. "Delicious", he says smirking. "I love you", i say pulling him down on top of me. "I love you too", kissing me passionately. "Ugh you're so gorgeous", he groans.

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